Adam Quigley

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Stories By Adam Quigley
  • Anchor Bay Picks Up Tekken For A Wide Theatrical 2011 Release

    We've seen a poster and a trailer for Tekken, but does anybody want to see Tekken itself? Anchor Bay Films seems to think so, and that's why they're granting the film a wide theatrical release in 2011. Screwy business decision, or calculated risk? Check the box office breakdown after the break. Coming Soon reports the…
  • Kevin Pollak Offered Role In Kevin Smith's Red State

    Kevin Pollak must have made an impression with his work in Cop Out—the most recent (and least satisfying) of Kevin Smith's films—because now he's been offered a part in Red State, Smith's tale about a group of kids who encounter "a crazed preacher (based on Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church) who gives…
  • IFC Buys James Gunn's Super

    Super, which played like gangbusters at its Midnight Madness premiere during the Toronto International Film Festival (though Peter wasn't quite so enthusiastic about it), has found a home at IFC Films. The film is the first to walk away with a major studio deal since the festival kicked off, and it will likely be one…
  • Treatment For 'The Flash' Completed; 'Green Lantern 2' Up Next

    This past summer, Warner Bros. hired on the screenwriters of The Green Lantern (Greg Berlanti, Michael Green and Marc Guggenheim) to pen drafts for The Flash and a Green Lantern sequel. This says a lot about how satisfied the studio must be with their work, since Green Lantern hasn't even hit theaters yet. So where…
  • Die Hard/Predator Director John McTiernan To Helm 'Shrapnel'

    The past decade has not been kind to John McTiernan. After a career making a name for himself with movies like Predator, Die Hard and The Hunt for Red October, his only two efforts of the last ten years—Rollerball and Basic—have been critically reviled, and they didn't perform so hot at the box office, either.…
  • Movie Trailer #2: Saw 3D

    A teaser trailer showed brief snippets of some of the traps that have been given the 3D treatment in this seventh and final entry into the Saw series, and now Lionsgate has provided a better look. Check out the full trailer for Saw 3D after the break. Yahoo! Movies has the trailer, which you can…
  • Movie Trailer: Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

    This is the sort of demented horror brilliance that could only hail from Europe. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale, a Finnish film from director Jalmari Helander, presents its own warped take on the jolly Christmas saint. In this version, Santa Claus isn't so nice. Hell, he's downright nasty—and he means business. Twitch Film—always reliable when…
  • J.J. Abrams Shopping Jonah Nolan's First TV Series

    J.J. Abrams is one busy dude. One would think he'd be spending his time prepping his upcoming monster movie/Spielberg tribute Super 8—and he is—but it's hard to imagine how he has time to do that when all he seems to be doing is helping get other people's ideas off the ground. The Ausiello Files is…
  • Mad Men's Christina Hendricks Joins Nicolas Winding Refn's 'Drive'

    Drive is shaping up to be one of my most anticipated movies of the coming years, and most of that anticipation is based strictly on the casting. The actor line-up so far includes Ryan Gosling in the lead role, Carey Mulligan (An Education) as a potential love interest, Albert Brooks as the antagonist, and Breaking…
  • Disney Promotes 'Tangled' With Double Rainbow Parody

    Pictured above: My reaction to Disney's "Double Rainbow" parody. The window of opportunity to take advantage of an Internet meme tends to be approximately a week or two, depending on the lasting value of the meme, and missing that window can mark the difference between a video/image that's lauded as comedic brilliance and one that's…
  • James Cameron Wants To Shoot 3D Film About Brazilian Tribes

    Dropping the allegorical pretense of Avatar for a film that more directly tackles those same issues of social injustice, director James Cameron will be returning to Brazil this year to make a 3D documentary about indigenous people of the Amazon who oppose the construction of a large dam that will put their land at risk…
  • Judge Dredd Movie Retitled 'Dredd'; Official Synopsis Revealed

    In what could be a (smart) attempt to distance the film from the first failed Judge Dredd movie starring Sylvester Stallone, the upcoming adaptation of the British sci-fi comic series has shortened its title to simply Dredd. Meanwhile, there's also an official synopsis for the film, which you can check out after the break. IM…
  • Jan De Bont To Direct Live-Action Mulan Movie

    With the lone exception of Speed, the critical appreciation for Jan de Bont's directorial efforts (Twister, The Haunting, Lara Craft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, Speed 2: Cruise Control) has never come close to the success that he's found at the worldwide box office—but now he may be aiming to change that. With years…
  • Ridley Scott Talks Alien Prequels

    We've known for years that Ridley Scott has wanted to return "to where the alien creatures were first found and explain how they were created" for his Alien prequels, and bit by bit, he's been expanding on what such an origin story would entail. In an interview with The Independent, Scott spent a great deal…
  • What Pixar's 'Newt' Would've Looked Like

    I wasn't too broken up about what happened to Newt, Pixar's now defunct tale about two newts who can't stand each other and then (presumably) fall in love. The premise just sounded too bluntly familiar, and not up to caliber we've come to expect from the studio that brought us Wall-E and Up. When they…
  • Movie Trailer: Hobo With A Shotgun

    Add another title to the ever-growing list of meta-films, this one being possibly the most ridiculous of all. It's odd enough that the fake trailer for Machete was made into a movie, but that project had Robert Rodriguez (and a budget) backing it, not to mention it was originally envisioned as a feature-length film prior…