The Best Easter Eggs & Cameos In Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 3

Warning: major spoilers ahead for episode 3 of "Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Episode 2 of "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ended with Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) arriving at the gut-wrenching realization that Anakin was alive and that he had completely turned to the dark side. This epiphany weighs heavy on him throughout episode 3, as we see Obi-Wan stumble through his complex emotions while making sure that Leia (Vivien Lyra Blair) gets home safe to Alderaan.

This particular installment of the show also granted us a highly-anticipated confrontation between the Jedi Master and his former padawan, along with the sheer terror that Vader's mere presence manages to evoke across the galaxy. This is peak "Star Wars," right from the glint of red and blue lightsabers clashing against a desert backdrop to the cold, mechanical interiors of the Inquisitorius fortress that are terrifying to behold.

While episode 3 does not lean too much on cameos or Easter eggs, there are a few references and details that are integral to how the plot might unfold in future episodes.

The return of James Earl Jones

While the term "iconic" is often overused in popular culture, this is exactly how one would describe Darth Vader, who emerges more than an anti-hero or villain in the stereotypical sense of the term. Vader's telltale breathing is enough to induce chills during key moments in the canon, such as his sudden arrival during the final boss fight in "Jedi: Fallen Order," in which the dude does not even have a health bar, or his particularly brutal entrance in "Rogue One."

However, it is Vader's voice that significantly adds to his iconic status, as there is something sinister about his cadence, especially when he threatens someone in a quintessentially Vader way. James Earl Jones, who originally voiced Vader in Episodes IV, V, VI, and IX, as well as "Rebels" and "Rogue One," has returned to grant his voice to the Sith Lord in "Obi-Wan Kenobi." The results are nothing short of chilling — his threats to Reva (Moses Ingram) are ominous, and his conversation with Obi-Wan is extremely hard-hitting.

However, it's also worth noting that the end credits for this episode mention "Voice Conversion Servies provided by RESPEECHER," which could indicate they didn't hire Jones at all, but instead digitally recreated his voice. 

This alien driver seems Freck-ing untrustworthy

When Obi-Wan and Leia arrive on the mining planet of Mapuzo, they travel to the rendezvous point provided by Haja Estree (Kumail Nanjiani), but no one shows up. An alien driver happens to pass by, and Leia decides that it is better to hitch a ride instead of aimlessly roaming on the strange planet. This alien driver, named Freck, is played by none other than Zach Braff, and it is easy to miss the surprise cameo by the "Scrubs" star, as he is unrecognizable as Freck. 

While Freck appears helpful at first, there is something sus about him from the get-go, as he is too comfortable with the Empire stripping away resources from planets. He proceeds to promptly rat out Obi-Wan and Leia to the stormtroopers, but the two manage to get away with the aid of Tala Durith (Indira Varma).

The massive Quinlan Vos namedrop

While this can be deemed as an Easter egg, "Obi-Wan Kenobi" might be setting up something significantly bigger with the Quinlan Vos namedrop in the episode. When Obi-Wan, Tala, and Leia hide inside a safe house that is part of a network called The Path, Obi-Wan sees the words of a certain Jedi etched on the wall. Tala reveals that Quinlan helps out with the smuggling of younglings, as the Empire hunts down anyone who is Force-sensitive, which includes children. However, what's the big deal about Quinlan?

Quinlan is a Jedi Master who first appeared in a "Star Wars" comics published during the prequel era, and his proper arc was introduced in "Star Wars" #19. Quinlan is easily a fan favorite, emerging as a badass character with an edgy personality, and perhaps the few ones who aided the Republic despite being so close to tipping over to the dark side. Quinlan also possessed psychometry and is seen teaming up with Obi-Wan in "The Clone Wars."

The relationship between Obi-Wan and Quinlan is seminal according to the "Star Wars" expanded universe, as the "Dark Disciple" arc sees the two interact closely, in which the former helps out the latter in massive ways. Could Quinlan make an appearance in upcoming episodes of the show, and present himself as a possible ally? The thematic mirrorings are hard to ignore, as Quinlan turned to the dark side and was able to come back to the light — it is possible that Obi-Wan feels that the same might be possible for Anakin.

Fortress Vader looms like Sauron's eye

We see a glimpse of Vader's fortress on the volcanic planet of Mustafar, and the interior of his throne room, wherein we see Vader speaking to Reva's hologram. The castle acts as a Sith stronghold and Vader's personal abode, and was conceptualized in "Rogue One." Based on the beautiful concept art by Ralph McQuarrie, Fortress Vader contains a dark side locus, and the structure was eventually in ruins after Vader's death.

Interestingly, the Inquisitorius Fortress on the moon on Nur mirrors Vader's, and a pretty cool detail inside the former is the collection of lightsabers in the background, which were most likely taken from the Jedi who were hunted by the group for years. To see lightsabers as mere exhibition souvenirs inside an Imperial stronghold is a chilling thought.

The Jedi Order logo can be a dangerous thing

The Jedi Order logo can be a thing of hope, for sure, especially for Jedi in hiding — we see Cal Kestis look at this logo before engaging in a fight with the Inquisitors on Bracca, kickstarting his journey in "Fallen Order." However, etching this symbol during a time in which Imperial stamps dominate any planet is a foolish endeavor, which is exactly what happens in episode 3, as Reva uses the symbol to track a young Leia, with the intention of luring out Obi-Wan once again.

Reva's anger on seeing the logo could hint at her past as a Jedi youngling who witnessed Order 66, as it symbolizes the abandonment she experienced as a child, and the resentment she harbors towards Jedi like Obi-Wan. However, this is pure speculation at the moment, as her motivations remain unconfirmed at the moment.

The episode also contains glimpses of probe droids, an R5 astromech droid, and a reference to Project Harvester, which turned Force-sensitive children to the dark side. Obi-Wan also hallucinates a young Anakin in a hooded robe on Mapuzo, symbolizing how heavy the matter weighs in his mind and heart. Apart from this, the Outer-Rim planet of Jabiim is mentioned, along with the typical stormtrooper gags being referenced, especially in terms of them being hit (um, killed) by deflected blaster shots and standard stupidity.

 Episode 3 of "Obi-Wan Kenobi" is currently streaming on Disney+. New episodes premiere every Wednesday.