Does The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Have A Post-Credits Scene?

Spoilers ahead for "The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special."

It's been a rough year, friends. The world is all screwy, CEOs have run amok, and the sound of a news alert on our phones makes us want to scream a little. Do you know what we need right now? A good, weird holiday special to keep us calm until January. "The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special" from director James Gunn (who has just moved over to DC) is exactly what the doctor ordered. Drax (Dave Bautista) and Mantis (Pom Klementieff) see that Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) is sad about Christmas. Kraglin (Sean Gunn) tells them a story about how Yondu (voice of Michael Rooker) didn't want them to celebrate Christmas when they were young, and the dynamic duo set out on a mission to cheer him up. Their plan? They go to earth and kidnap Kevin Bacon, who they believe saved a town by dancing after hearing the plot of "Footloose." If that doesn't give you an idea of the tone here, nothing will. 

"The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special" is a fluffy delight and exactly as silly (in the very best way) as a holiday special should be. Everything works out at the end, lots of hugs ensue, the spirit of the holidays takes over, and even grumpy beings like Nebula (Karen Gillan) manage to pull off a few dance moves. 

Of course, this wouldn't be a Marvel production without an after-credits scene, and we definitely have one. It's short, but very, very cute ... and may promise something for the future.

'Groot ruined Christmas again!'

In the scene, Rocket (voice of Bradley Cooper) and very good girl Cosmo the Spacedog (voice of Maria Bakalova) are decorating a Christmas tree. Where do they find a tree in space? Oh right! They have one! A young adult Groot (voice of Vin Diesel) is being covered in lights, garland, and a giant candy cane, with a light-up snowman on his arm/branch. Of course, Groot is still a little grumpy and shakes it all off onto the floor. Rocket says, "Oh, come on, Groot!" Cosmo (look at her fuzzy wuzzy face) says, "Groot ruined Christmas again." And then there's the kicker. Rocket adds, "Now we gotta have another special!" 

Ooh, that could easily be a throwaway line, but what if it's not? James Gunn is definitely moving over to lead DC's film, television, and animation division with producer Peter Safran now. Does that mean there's room in his contract for another Marvel one-off? Could we see these characters in a Marvel Christmas special from a different director? What if ... hear me out ... we had Cosmo find the MCU's other very good pupper Lucky the Pizza Dog, and take him to space for a Christmas holiday? Sorry, sorry. A few candy canes and my brain gets all Christmas-y. 

"The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special" is currently streaming on Disney+.