Andor Episode 10 Reaches Into Game Of Thrones Territory With An Unsettling Proposal

Major spoilers ahead for "Andor" episode 10.

"Andor" hit us with a whopper of an episode this week. From an amazing prison break to a speech from Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgård) detailing the bad things that often must be done for good outcomes, it absolutely restored my faith in the "Star Wars" franchise. It was a wild ride, and with only two more episodes this season, I'm bracing myself for a powerful cliffhanger. There was one other moment that stood out this week, and it has something in common with another juggernaut of a series, "House of the Dragon." 

This week Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly) was faced with a difficult proposal. Literally. This Senator who is trying to change things from within the system as opposed to some of the other rebels has had to meet with someone distasteful to her when her access to her money — that she's using to fund the rebellion — has been difficult to get her hands on. Her cousin Tay (Ben Miles) hooked her up with a low-life but wealthy man named Davo Sculdun (Richard Dillane). This guy is also from Chandrila, like they are, but he works on the fringes, making some unpleasant deals. He says he can help her "charitable organization" get her money without the Empire knowing, but she has to do something in exchange. He wants to be invited back to her fancy home, and bring his 14-year-old son ... to meet her 13-year-old daughter. 

A difficult proposal

Nothing is said straight out, but Mon was forced into an arranged marriage as a young girl, and that didn't exactly work out for her. She doesn't approve of the tradition (or the one that says fancy people should drop worms into drinks and dissolve them), and she's pretty upset about the idea of sacrificing her daughter to suffer what she did. She seems even more horrified when Davo says that he can tell that she's considering it. 

Marriage as a bargaining chip to cement alliances has been practiced all over the world throughout history in wealthy families. Just think about the history of Queen Elizabeth I, who used her virginity and her marriage prospects for alliance over and over again throughout her life (not that she ever ended up marrying). We certainly see it all over fiction. In fact, we just watched it almost happen in "House of the Dragon." If you recall, King Viserys (Paddy Considine) was offered Laena Velaryon (Nova Foueillis-Mosé), the 12-year-old daughter of Corlys (Steve Toussaint) and Rhaenys (Eve Best), as a bride to firm up their alliance and position. But it's okay, friends, because she said her parents told her they wouldn't have sex until she was 14. Excuse me while I go barf now. 

A devil's bargain

What's awful to watch in both cases is that these people in difficult positions actually consider the benefits for a moment. King Viserys had to at least meet with Laena to show that he was open to the idea, though he ultimately rejected it for a slightly older bride, his daughter's best friend, which isn't that much better. Mon looks horrified at the idea that she'd been called on thinking about it for a second, but we know she was. She went through it and ended up a senator. Still, she's very unhappy in her marriage, and of course, she won't do it (Don't do it, Mon!), but there appeared to be a moment where she pondered it. After all, he didn't say it was an engagement but that he merely wanted the children to meet. 

It's an interesting thing, comparing this to Luthen's brilliant speech at the end, where he talks about everything he gave up for the rebellion. He's willing to let people die so that enough people are outraged and fight back. He gave up any hope of a real life for the future of the galaxy. He can't live as a good person in this world he's creating because, if it works, he won't fit there. It reminded me of the speech from the Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor) in "Serenity," where he says he can't live in the world he's building. Can Mon resist making this sacrifice for the greater good? Would she be the Mon Mothma we know and love if she did? 

This show is looking at the choices people have to make and the things they have to do to make the world a better place, and that's not always easy or okay. 

"Andor" is currently streaming on Disney+.