Where Moon Knight Fits In The MCU Timeline

After almost 15 years and nearly twice the number of films and shows, Marvel Studios is beginning to explore the darkest, weirdest titles of their catalog. This trend began with James Gunn's "Guardians of the Galaxy" films, which opened the door for similarly-wacky adventures in "Eternals" and "Loki" in 2021. Now the MCU is making an even bigger leap into the weird and wonderful world of "Moon Knight."

Oscar Isaac is taking another swing at the superhero flick, this time without the face-obscuring prosthesis that made his role in "X-Men: Apocalypse" such an excruciating experience for everyone involved. The actor will play Moon Knight in Marvel's limited series of the same name, a vigilante (and sometimes villain?) that comes with a sprawling history of his own.

Moon Knight — known as Marc Spector behind the mask — is a vastly different kind of hero than any we're used to seeing in the MCU. His struggle with dissociative identity disorder, plus his direct connection to the Egyptian deity Khonshu, places the series firmly in unfamiliar territory. By all accounts, that makes "Moon Knight" an entirely self-contained story that will explore the hero's unique journey — and his alone.

But still, this is Marvel, isn't it? There has to be some kind of connection to the interconnected universe at large. So when exactly does "Moon Knight" take place in the context of the MCU? And is it part of the MCU at all?

'Moon Knight' takes place after the Blip

Executive producer Grant Curtis recently claimed that "Moon Knight" will have "no attachment to the current MCU." His statement, released via The Direct, caused a bit of a stir from fans — and with good reason. Are his comments meant to be taken at face value? Or is Curtis merely teasing a storyline free of any interconnected meddling?

The short answer: yes, "Moon Knight" is of course connected to Marvel's Cinematic Universe. It's become the general expectation for titles premiering on Disney's streaming service, but unlike series like "WandaVision" and "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," "Moon Knight" doesn't seem to feature any characters — heroic or otherwise — that fans have seen in the MCU before. Not even an off-screen mention, if you can believe it.

Without many Easter eggs or internal references to pick out, it's tricky to know where "Moon Knight" fits within the MCU timeline. If it weren't for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the Global Repatriation Council in a recent teaser, fans would be forced to resort to their favorite pastime: wild speculation.

The tease in question features Marc in the full Moon Knight costume — and standing in front of a GRC advert (seen above). For anyone in need of a refresher, the good ol' GRC is an organization introduced in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier." Their efforts helped to re-establish order after the Avengers brought back half the world (and defeated Thanos for good) in "Avengers: Endgame." The event known now as "The Blip" displaced millions, and the council was founded to help those displaced rebuild their lives.

A new normal

That the GRC exists (however peripherally) in "Moon Knight" places the series firmly in post-Blip circumstances, though you wouldn't know it otherwise. "Moon Knight" really is an entirely independent story, with no mention of Thanos, his Snap, or any other universe-altering threats — and honestly, it's all the better for it.

It's incredibly refreshing, especially this late in the Marvel game, to enjoy a new story without constantly bracing for an inevitable multiverse tie-in or entirely out-of-place cameo. Franchise fatigue notwithstanding, Marvel's recent projects haven't exactly been casual fan-friendly. With the exception of "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" and "Hawkeye," enjoying Marvel has become something of an Olympic sport of late. It requires an encyclopedic memory of everything that's transpired with our heroes since Tony Stark first came out as Iron Man all those years ago. Going back to watch relevant films ahead of a new release feels like cramming for a test.

"Moon Knight" throws out the textbook in more ways than one. The series focuses entirely on the mercenary Marc Spector and his alter, Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift shop employee with a convenient affinity for Egyptian history. Their relationship to the mantle of Moon Knight, and to Khonshu, is complicated enough without the MCU looming over their every move. Plus, there's so much new lore to unpack, there's a chance we might not even miss those hidden Easter eggs.

"Moon Knight" premieres on March 30, 2022, on Disney+.