Marvel's Vision Series Is Still Floating Around, Now Has A Star Trek Showrunner

We all remember Vision, right? He was created after Tony Stark almost doomed the world to be destroyed by a robot, then killed by Thanos and kind of, sort of brought back to life by his wife Wanda in "WandaVision," where he went through a whole identity crisis. He was everyone's favorite Marvel character for about five minutes when he said the whole "What is grief, if not love persevering" thing.

Well, now Vision is back, whether we want it or not. According to Variety, Marvel just ordered a Vision TV series for 2026, with Paul Bettany returning to star as the titular character. Additionally, "Star Trek: Picard" executive producer Terry Matalas will serve as a showrunner of the "Vision" show.

Vision, of course, was rebuilt as a proper synthezoid android by S.W.O.R.D. and sent to destroy Wanda and her messed up Vision monster. This Vision was ghost white and had zero memory of his life. After a fight with the other Vision, they came to relate their existence to that of the Ship of Theseus and became best friends, leading to undead Vision helping white Vision to regain his memories, after which he just declared "I am Vision" before flying away.

Do we even care about Vision?

It is important to note the "Vision" show was actually greenlit two years ago, in 2022, which was closer to the release of "WandaVision" and a time when it made sense to capitalize on that show's success. But in 2024, three years removed from the first Marvel Studios Disney+ show, when we are still waiting on the Agatha Harkness spinoff to finally come out after many delays and changes in title, it is debatable whether it makes sense to give Vision his own solo adventure.

At this point, when Marvel is downsizing its output and spacing out its releases, especially on TV, does anyone even care about a Vision TV show? After all, Marvel's past few releases haven't exactly performed that well, and Vision mostly worked due to him being part of a larger cast. Unless Wanda returns, what would a Vision TV show even be about? 

As of this writing, there are a lot of Marvel Studios TV shows in the works, including "Daredevil: Born Again" (which is definitely coming out as it's already done filming), the Agatha TV show (because otherwise the constant title change would be a poor joke), "Ironheart" (which has been in the works for four years), a reported Wakanda TV show, and "Wonder Man." There are also the animated "Marvel Zombies" and "Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man" series on the way, for what it's worth.