Gen V's Gross Dolphin Supe Led To 'A Lot Of Notes'

The folks behind "The Boys" and its college-set spinoff, "Gen V," really love to explore the possibilities of superhuman sex. Sure, it's something comic book nerds have been doing since the genre began, but they really get into it. In "The Boys," there's an entire supe orgy that is about as wild as you would expect, some oral sex that ends in a crushed skull, and a graphic sex scene that involves a shrinking supe going into another supe's penis, so the team behind "Gen V" really had their work cut out for them. The college-age supes are having just as much sex as their older counterparts, and it's just as bizarre, as the show has demonstrated. Poor Emma (Lizze Broadway) gave the world's weirdest "hand-job" while shrunk down to the size of an action figure, for starters, and things only get pervier when the show's main supes wake up after a night of binging at a wild party.

In "Gen V" episode 4, Andre (Chance Perdomo) and Cate (Maddie Phillips) wake up in a strange bed in a trashed house with some kind of goo dripping from the ceiling onto Andre's face. They go to inspect what the goo is and are pretty horrified when they discover it came out of a dolphin-like blowhole on the back of one of their classmates. Ew. In an interview with Variety, executive producer Michele Fazekas explained the character a bit and revealed that when it came to the scene, there were "a lot of notes" from the higher-ups about just how explicit they could be.

Supes really know how to party

Fazekas explained that when writing the sequence, the writers and producers realized that a lot of what works best for the series is when they take "typical college experiences" and put their own supe spin on things. The duo think that maybe they just partied too hard and that's why they can't remember a thing, but it's a little suspicious when they meet friends Jordan (London Thor) and Marie (Jaz Sinclair) and they don't remember a thing, either. Confused and a little concerned, they wander the halls before discovering two supes hooking up. One is a girl with a dolphin-like blowhole on her back and the other is a man who can make his hand vibrate really, really fast. He uses his powers to get her off and she shoots the aforementioned goo out of her blowhole when she climaxes. It's pretty funny (and really gross), with details like the girl wearing a mouthguard to protect her teeth from the vibrations, but Fazekas said they had to be careful:

"The dolphin girl, that was when we got a lot of notes for how much we could see, which is somewhat amusing because, I mean — it's a hole in her back. So you're not actually seeing anything. But I really love how it seems gross and graphic, but it's also not a real thing, so it's kind of perfect."

There is something deeply unsettling about the blowhole. And even though the scene is staged to hide the actual sex act, it feels really explicit.

More than just hilarious humping

Andre and Cate are pretty disgusted by what they see when they stumble upon the Dolphin Girl/Vibrating Man sexcapades, but it's understandable given most people don't really feel comfortable stumbling upon others having sex in general. Thankfully, there is more to the sex in "Gen V" than just gross-outs and visual gags, as the show has also used sex and sexuality to explore character relationships. A sweet sex scene between Emma and Sam (Asa Germann), for example, is a really lovely moment that gives two characters a chance to connect with someone else when that's been difficult for them thus far. There's concern for things like consent, aftercare, and constantly checking in with your partner, showing a kind of emotional maturity that seems surprising for a series that also has, well, blowhole ejaculation.

It will be interesting to see how "Gen V" continues to explore supe sexuality in its second season. Will Jordan be more comfortable in female form when hooking up with Marie? Will Sam and Emma get another chance to be together physically? Will we see Dolphin Girl again? It's going to be a long wait for season 2, darn it.