How To Watch Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse At Home

Good news, web-heads! After "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" broke big at the box office this summer, overtaking the total of the original "Into the Spider-Verse" and proving that animation as a medium continues to thrive, fans will soon be able to relive this latest chapter in the lives of Miles Morales (voiced by Shameik Moore) and Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld). The highly-anticipated sequel boasts even more animation magic and a much larger-scale, multiverse-hopping adventure than the 2018 film, though not at the expense of losing any of the heart or emotion established the first time around. Miles is still well on his way towards figuring out his place in all this, even as the end of "Across the Spider-Verse" brought him face-to-face with a couple of very personal figures from his past. The upcoming sequel "Beyond the Spider-Verse" may no longer arrive as soon as audiences hoped, but at least we still have one heck of a second movie to tide us over until then.

That wait has gotten a little easier, now that Sony Pictures has announced that "Across the Spider-Verse" will be made available on digital and 4K UHD & Blu-ray in the weeks ahead. The digital release arrives exactly a week from today, August 8, 2023, while the physical media collectors among us can look forward to September 5, 2023 to get their hands on what's certain to be a hot commodity. Even better, fans will have over 90 minutes of "exclusive extras" to keep them occupied, from deleted scenes to hidden Easter eggs to filmmaker commentary tracks and more. Check out all the bonus features below!

Across the Spider-Verse swings into home release

Itching to take home one of the best superhero movies of the year? Your wait is nearly at an end, as "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" will soon be swinging to a television screen or other digital device near you. In an impressively jam-packed home release, fans will have the opportunity to devour plenty of bonus features and extras whether through the Blu-ray, 4K UHD, or digitally. Those who buy the DVD still have a few exclusives to look through, including a digital code for both the movie and the extras listed below that can be redeemed through Movies Anywhere for those who purchase the DVD or Blu-ray set. Check out all the features below:

  • Blu-ray, 4K UHD, and Digital Exclusives:
    • Obscure Spiders and Easter Eggs
    • Deleted Scene: Miguel Calling
    • "I'mma Do My Own Thing" Interdimensional Destiny
    • Across the Worlds: Designing New Dimensions
    • Designing Spiders and Spots
    • Scratches, Score and The Music of the Multiverse
    • Escape from Spider-Society
    • Across the Comics-Verse
    • Lyric Videos
    • Filmmaker Commentary
  • Also Includes:
    • Creating the Ultimate Spider-Man Movie
    • Raising a Hero
    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Cast
  • DVD
    • Creating the Ultimate Spider-Man Movie
    • Raising a Hero
    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Cast