Sundance: Eagle Vs. Shark Movie Review

From Academy Award nominated director Taika Waititi (for his short film Two Cars, One Night) comes the best indie romantic comedy of all time.

Lily is a sweet shy weird indie girl who meets a clueless video game geek named Jarrod while working at a fast food restaurant Meaty Boy. She inadvertently gets invited to a costume party where everyone must dress as their favorite animal. Lily dresses as a Shark while Jarrod dresses as, you guessed it, an eagle. Lily is hopelessly in love with Jarrod, who could probably care less. Jarrod becomes obsessed with fighting the bully from his childhood, so they travel back to his home town to fight him.

Eagle vs. Shark is about seeking reciprocation from the person you love. The production design is on the level of Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums, combined with the characters and quirkiness of Little Miss Sunshine and Napoleon Dynamite. Set to the sounds of an incredibly strange yet wonderfully indie soundtrack, Shark is an awkwardly scintillating, weirdly entertaining film. If you're still not sold this will win you over: it features randomly insterted stop/start animated sequences.

Eagle vs. Shark has potential to be huge, or at least to develop a hardcore cult following.

/Film Rating: 8.5 out of 10Starring: Loren Horsley, Jermaine ClementDirected by: Taika Waititi