Quentin Tarantino Talks Five Films To Watch Before Seeing 'The Hateful Eight'

Even though The Hateful Eight is nearly gone from theaters after being released a month ago, there's really no bad time to hear what movies are good to watch before you see Quentin Tarantino's latest, violent Western. Even if you aren't able to see the movie in theaters anymore, it'll be out on home video soon enough. So if you happened to miss it the first time around, you have ample time to check out these movies before then. Plus, this video laying them all out includes commentary on each from Tarantino himself. Find out below.

Here's the five movies to watch before The Hateful Eight from Premiere:

If you don't have time to sit through the discussion with Tarantino for each movie (after all, the filmmaker can be long-winded from time to time, especially when talking about movies), here's the list of films that he talks about:

  • The Thing
  • The Wild Bunch
  • Murder on the Orient Express
  • Hombre
  • Khartoum
  • The weird thing about this video is that these don't seem to be picks from Tarantino himself, but rather picks from the Premiere interviewer that the director offers his reaction or commentary on. It's still a fascinating chat about these movies and the similarities between The Hateful Eight, especially if you've already seen it. Hell, even if you haven't seen the movie or don't have any plans to, these are all movies that you should go out of your way to see right away, especially John Carpenter's The Thing.