Matthew McConaughey Confirmed For 'Interstellar'

Briefly: Two words from Matthew McConaughey, "I'm confirming," are all we need to go forward with the knowledge that he's playing the lead role in Christopher Nolan's next film, Interstellar. The actor said as much to the Star Tribune (via Chud) in a phone interview, when asked if he could confirm that he's taking the gig.

Other than that, all we know about Interstellar is that it was originally inspired by the theories of theoretical physicist, gravitational physicist and astrophysicist Kip Thorne. Steven Spielberg developed the film, but Nolan took it up not long ago as his follow-up to The Dark Knight Rises. Jonathan Nolan's original script is being revised by Christopher Nolan. The film "depicts a heroic interstellar voyage to the furthest borders of our scientific understanding" and features "explorers [who] travel through a wormhole."

The film is scheduled for release on November 7, 2014.