Early Buzz: Is 'Jurassic World' Finally A Worthy Sequel To 'Jurassic Park'?

Jurassic World had its world premiere in Paris over the weekend. Even though director Colin Trevorrow said he probably wouldn't be back as director for a potential sequel, the early buzz on Jurassic World after the premiere is that he did a fine job on the film.

Keep in mind that this is a premiere screening, so some of the audience may be high on the hype of the movie and the allure of the event. But some are also usually the biggest fans who are sometimes harder to impress, especially with a sequel to a modern classic like Jurassic Park. Even so, early reactions on Twitter seem to indicate that this is the best sequel in the franchise, and it's finally a worthy follow-up to Steven Spielberg's original.

Read some of the Jurassic World early buzz after the jump.

Here's some Twitter reactions, beginning with word from Frozen star Josh Gad:

In addition, we received an e-mail from Twitter user and Jurassic Park fan @ChrisLikesDinos who gives us a secondhand reaction from some of this friends who attended the premiere in Paris. Out of the four friends he speaks of, three of them loved it. The fourth one, who wasn't a fan of anything regarding this project since it was announced, hated it. Do with that information what you will. Chris says:

"From what I understand, the movie certainly is very action heavy after the first 45min (for better or worse) but has a ton of charm, and is incredibly well put together. There aren't any major surprises for those who followed the production closely, but again, 3 out of the 4 praised it as the best JP sequel by far.

I also occasionally chat with someone who does reviews/articles for [redacted] – that person dropped me an email out of nowhere saying the film was "very good", so that's a plus!"

Another reader who runs the @JurassicQuotes Twitter sent this our way too:

I've heard good things on Twitter from the premiere in Paris. Although, one of my friends roommate got a chance to view the movie a few days ago. He said it was on par with JP3.

It's not exactly a diverse range of reactions, but it's the first audience to see the film, so we'll have to take what we can get. My biggest concern is that Jurassic World will have too much action and will be more like a commercialized theme park ride than the genuine action thriller that the first film was. It just seems to be missing something in the trailers. But maybe the marketing is holding back some of the more intriguing elements of the film beyond the dinosaur action.

With the release of Jurassic World getting closer, we're bound to start getting more reactions sooner than later. Here's hoping it's a quality entertaining sequel. But following Mad Max: Fury Road, people may end up being disappointed. We'll have to wait and see.

Does the Jurassic World early buzz give you some confidence in the sequel? Do you think it will be good?