'Nathan For You' Creator Nathan Fielder Strikes HBO Deal, Includes 'How To...With John Wilson' Series
Nathan Fielder brought us comedy gold in the Comedy Central series Nathan For You. The comedian bridged the world of comedy and reality makeover shows with a series that featured an awkward Fielder running a consulting firm aiming to help people looking to improve their own businesses. But the ideas Fielder often had were unconventional, questionable, and absolutely hilarious. Now Fielder will bring his unique brand of comedy with a new one-year overall deal at HBO, which includes a documentary series that feels like a kindred spirit to Nathan For You.Variety has word on the new Nathan Fielder show that he won't be starring in this time. Instead, How To...With John Wilson is described as "a half-hour, first person documentary series hosted by an anxious New Yorker (John Wilson) who attempts to give everyday advice while dealing with his own personal issues." Comedian John Wilson is both the cameraman and the narrator in this series as he "covertly documents the lives of fellow New Yorkers in a comic odyssey of self-discovery, inevitably making the audience comfortable with the awkward contradictions of modern life."
That premise sounds eerily similar to Nathan For You, albeit with the advice at the cent of the show being given towards people in general and not exclusively business owners. But that's probably why someone like Nathan Fielder is executive producing the series for HBO. Meanwhile, Wilson is acting as the writer and director, not to mention executive producing himself along with Clark Reinking, who worked as a supervising producer on Nathan For You.
Beyond that series, Nathan Fielder is also working on an unnamed comedy pilot for HBO as well, the details of which are currently being kept under wraps. Reinking will also be executive producing that series along with Christie Smith and Dan McManus for Rise Management. Fielder will likely be working on some other projects throughout his new year-long deal at HBO, but we'll have to wait and see what those are.
After the incredible series that was Nathan for You, I'm extremely interested in anything that Nathan Fielder has in the works. He's clearly operating on another level comedically. The word "genius" gets thrown around a lot, but there's something going on in Fielder's head that keeps him one step ahead of the game without seeming like a pretentious student of the comedy arts.