VOTD: 'The Shallows' VFX Breakdown Reveals Seamless Shark And Ocean Effects
While blockbusters tend to throw visual effects in your face, the best use of the advanced technology we have to create computer generated imagery is used to enhance what was shot on set. The hardest thing to do is use extensive visual effects that fill in for reality, but when it comes to recreating an isolated ocean cove and a deadly shark patrolling the waters, two visual effects houses did an incredible job.
The Shallows follows Blake Lively as she ends up stranded on small set of rocks 200 yards from the nearest shore. Keeping her from swimming back to safety is one ferocious shark, and you might be surprised to see just how impressive the visual effects are that created the shark from scratch, as well as most of the ocean environment surrounding the terror.
Watch The Shallows visual effects breakdowns after the jump.
Here's one visual effects breakdown from Oblique FX, the company behind the effects for Arrival:
As you can see, they created elements that you would never stop to think were added digitally in post-production. This includes adding blood in the water, more blood on Blake Lively's body, and a bunch of the ocean background
Then there's this one by Important Looking Pirates (you'll have to click to watch, and beware of spoilers at the end):
This own shows the great detail that went into the creation of the shark, complete with a 360-degree swivel around the entire model. Even more impressive than the shark are the water effects that surround it. Seeing how some of the shots blend the visual effects with real footage of Blake Lively in the water is impressive as hell, and I'm surprised by just how much was created in post-production.
Thanks to The Film Stage for bringing these videos to our attention.