VOTD: 'Warcraft' Movie Trailer Impressively Recreated In The Video Game

The jury is still out as to whether or not Moon director Duncan Jones will deliver a worthy adaptation of the popular video game Warcraft. While the visual effects look stunning, the movie looks like it could be a little too deep of a fantasy for the niche video game audience familiar with the title. But then again, Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows on TV, so maybe people are ready for this.

For any of you video game fans who aren't convinced to see the movie, maybe you'd rather see the Warcraft trailer recreated in the familiar video game world you love. One fan has created an extremely impressive shot-for-shot remake of the full Warcraft movie trailer by using the World of Warcraft video game.

Here's the Warcraft trailer recreated in the video game from Ivan Kuzkin (via Kotaku):

If you haven't watched the trailer enough to realize how well done this is, here's a side-by-side comparison:

This is very well done, almost to the point that I wish Blizzard decided to make the movie in this style instead. Or at the very least, the movie would have been pretty cool if it was crafted as well as the cinematics used to announce new installments of the game. Those were always consistently impressive and cool, even for people like me who never played the game.

The only downside is that the recreated trailer doesn't use the dialogue and sound from the trailer. That would make it work a little bit better, in my opinion, even if the character's lips aren't movie with the dialogue.

If you're curious as to how the creators pulled this off, check out a making of video right here.