VOTD: Elders React To 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'
The Star Wars film saga has been around long enough to span a few generations of fans, from grandparents to parents to kids and grandkids, maybe even some great grandkids as well. But is the older crowd just as excited as the youngsters when it comes to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens being just six days away?
Fine Brothers Entertainment has an answer with Elders React to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Here's how elders react to The Force Awakens, or at least the last theatrical trailer:
Rock seems like my kind of old guy. C'mon, the guy's name is Rock and he gets positively giddy when the trailer swings into full gear. Meanwhile, Robert keeps his cool, looking almost completely unimpressed throughout the whole trailer, until he finally says that he's looking forward to the movie.
Disney and Lucasfilm may be desperate to get more female viewers on the Star Wars franchise, but with "handsome" Harrison Ford back for more as Han Solo, they seem to have Barbara's full attention.
It's cool to hear that some of these people, who were the age of the most coveted demographic when the original came out, still carry their love for Star Wars around with them. It's their love for the franchise that's been passed down to their kids and grandkids that have made the sci-fi saga endure for decades. And that's why it will keep going strong for many years to come. Hopefully The Force Awakens won't disappoint them.