Best Comments Of The Week: Spoilers, Sequels/Remakes, Pixar In 2014, 'Catwoman' Costume, Trent Reznor, 'Lone Ranger' Dumped, Leo As 'J. Edgar', Harold & Kumar 3D, And Darabont's Departure From 'Walking Dead'
Lets take a look at the most liked comments of last week. The comments are voted on by you, the /film readers and commenters, but /film editors make the final cut. I hope that in coming weeks we'll have more longer-form thought provoking points, alongside the quick one-liners. So here goes...
In response to "Spoilers Are Good For You, Says Study", Eric Cserepy commented:
More after the jump.
In response to Cinema Had Too Many Sequels and Remakes In 1976, smallerdemon commented:
In response to "Disney Schedules Two Mystery Marvel Movies, One New Pixar Film For 2014", Rene Rosa commented:
In response to Superhero Bits: Hitlet Outraged Over Nolan's Catwoman Costume, Playhouse commented:
Almost commented:
In response to Listen To Some Of Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross ' 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' Score, James Franco commented:
In response to 'A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas' Theatrical Trailer, Elliot Lobell commented:
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Comments of the Week, we have to split this post over a TWO pages. Click the link above to continue the second page of Comments of the Week.
In response to 'Unnamed Sources Reveal Truth Behind Frank Darabont's Departure From 'The Walking Dead', Josh commented:
In response to Petition Asks Sesame Street to Let Bert and Ernie Marry, drbendy commented:
hehwoe commented:
In response to First Official Look: Leonardo DiCaprio in 'J. Edgar', Karthik Shankar commented:
In response to Disney Pulls The Plug on 'The Lone Ranger' With Johnny Depp, Jonathan Santucho commented:
Abdel Belabbes commented:
Hector Enzo Moran commented:
swimtwobirds commented:
A reference Kevin Smith's hilarious Superman Lives screenplay development story:
Dave Delisle commented:
And we end the week with the Weekly Stats:
Most Liked People
Most Active People
Most Active Threads