Page 2: Terminator, X-Men, Emma Watson, Muppets, Green Lantern, Morgan Spurlock, The Tree Of Life, Rebecca Black, Star Wars
What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 46 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!
The t-shirt of the day on Teefury is a movie car mash-up design called "Ultimate 80's Ride".
One of the reasons Harry Potter actress Emma Watson has decided to leave Brown University involves the constant teasing from students. When she would get answer correctly in class, classmates would call out, "Three points for Gryffindor"
FirstShowing interviews Morgan Spurlock about his new movie The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.
Mini-Geek Deal: Amazon has Archer: Season 1 for only $9.99.
DreamWorks has released a movie poster for their big screen adaptation of The Help.
IO9 lists 19 must watch summer tv shows — that is, unless you have taste. :P
Cosplay photo: A Wolverine/Boba Fett mash-up.
FSR lists 7 movies that will scare you into saving the environment.
Warner Bros has released a Green Lantern character poster featuring Tomar-Re.
Sol Saks, the TV screenwriter who created Bewitched, died Saturday of pneumonia at age 100.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH pages. Click the link above to continue the second page of Page 2.
Chewbacca Dog loves to ride shotgun.
MTV tells us Five Ways To Survive The 'Terminator' Apocalypse.
This X-Men First Class retro poster by Phil Noto is better than anything Fox marketing has put together.
IFC Midnight has acquired U.S. distribution rights to the genre film Saint, which is about to have its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival.
Hot Toys is releasing a highly detailed armor unleashed version of the Iron Man 2 Mark II 1/6th collectible figure.
The Playlist lists 5 Reasons Why A Party Down Movie Will Never Happen.Fro Design Co has created, and is selling, this poster for An American Werewolf In London.IO9 offers 10 Lessons About Life After Cancellation That Stargate Can Learn From Firefly and Star Trek.
Take a closer look at the dinosaur in Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life.ScreenCrave lists The Six Most Important Things That Make A Good Horror Film.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH pages. Click the link above to continue the third page of Page 2.
Today's t-shirt design on RIPT Apparel is the Star Wars inspired "Jawa Keg Party"
Warner Bros. has hired 2 screenwriters from Tron: Legacy to help bring the adaption of the Dark Horse comic-book Rex Mundi to the big screen.
Bert from Ernie and Bert, in real life.
Woot lists six movies to watch while waiting for Season Five of Mad Men.
Someone has finally created a Star Wars parody of the Rebecca Black music video "Friday" titled "Primeday".
Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe says he would love to work with Christopher Nolan and the Coen Brothers — well duh!
Dark Horse Digital will be releasing their iOS app on April 27.
Ghostbusters co-star Ernie Hudson tells TMZ that he has not been offered a role in Ghostbusters 3, yet...SnorgTees is selling the Star Trek red shirt inspired t-shirt "Live Fast, Die Red"Jon Jeans talks to Skewed & Reviewed about playing Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 mission in Transformers: Dark of the Moon:
"On the set of Transformers, Cory and I were sitting on some apple boxes in our space suits in-between takes and this nice old guy just came up and started talking to us. I don't remember the specifics of the conversation, just that the guy was friendly and I was thinking, "It's cool that this old stage hand is taking the time to talk us." Well right about then someone said, "Do you know who this is? This is John Frazier; he won the Academy Award for the special effects in Spider-Man 2." John started to laugh and said, "You know what? I want to show you a picture, I'll be back." I thought I'd never see the guy again, but sure enough he comes back about 15 minutes later and shows me a picture of himself bringing his garbage cans in from the curb the night of the awards with a garbage can in one hand and an Oscar in the other and says with a laugh, "You know what happens after you win an Oscar? Life goes on."
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH pages. Click the link above to continue the fourth page of Page 2.
The 1982 Calendar "Kermit The Frog and Miss Piggy In Great Lovers Of The Silver Screen" included this photo of the duo as Diane Keaton and Woody Allen in Annie Hall.
BuzzFeed lists 25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Gone With The Wind.Lee Crutchley created a Reservoir Dogs / Angry Birds mash-up titled "Reservoir Birds".MTV talks to the cast and crew of Scream 4 to find out the extraordinary lengths they went through to prevent spoilers.
Sex scene note found on Dear Blank Please Blank.
Blastr lists 12 hilarious sci-fi TV and movie goofs that will have you baffled.
Adorable Justice League cosplay.
BuzzFeed lists 25 Reasons Why Katharine Hepburn Was An American Badass.
Hot Toys is releasing a Sweeney Todd collectible figure.
Pajiba lists 5 Movies That Needed to Remove the Main Character.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH pages. Click the link above to continue the fifth and final page of Page 2.
eFX has released a first look at the replica of the original TRON helmet, which is currently in development.
DenOfGeek lists 11 films and TV shows that tried to be Star Wars.Watch this behind-the-scenes video from Return of the Jedi in which puppeteer Tim Rose practice his lines as Admiral Ackbar.Screened lists 12 Great Movie Stoners Not Named Cheech or Chong.Terminator 2 cake.Movie Mistakes lists the 15 biggest mistakes in the Scream trilogy.