Chelsea Handler Joins McG's 'This Means War'
Briefly: McG is now working on his romantic comedy with action overtones, This Means War. The core cast — Chris Pine versus Tom Hardy — is enough to make me ignore past feelings about McG and generate some interest for the film. Reese Witherspoon is playing the woman the two guys are essentially fighting over, and now Chelsea Lately host Chelsea Handler has signed on to play the best friend and confidante of Witherspoon's character.
As we've said before, This Means War is a script that has been kicking around for a long time, but was recently rewritten and put on a fast track to production. With the script as it stands now, Hardy and Pine are "two best friends, both of whom are spies, who go to war with each other after falling in love with the same woman (Reese Witherspoon). It's about what's more important — your best friend or the love of your life — and what happens when the two come into conflict with each other." [Deadline]