/Filmcast Ep. 60 - Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (GUEST: Marc Webb, Director Of 500 Days Of Summer)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princemarcwebb

In this special episode of the /Filmcast, Director Marc Webb joins David Chen, Devindra Hardawar and Adam Quigley for their review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. They also praise Paper Heart, Moon, In The Loop, and chat about Futurama's precious voice actors, as well as the wisdom of a potential Aquaman film. 500 Days of Summer is out in select cities now and will expand wider in the weeks to come.

There will be no /Filmcast next week, but follow everyone on Twitter (Dave, Devindra, and Adam) to keep up with all the happenings at Comic Con this week!

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  • (02:59) Watchmen contest winners (thanks to Titanbooks!)
  • What Have We Watched

  • Devindra (05:19) Moon
  • David (09:20): 500 Days of Summer, In The Loop, Paper Heart, Harry Potter Movies
  • News Discussion

  • (27:10) Futurama to get new voice actors?
  • (32:06) Russell Crowe pursuing more Master & Commander
  • (35:20) Aquaman movie might become a reality?
  • (40:45) Darren Aronofsky's Will Probably Be Black Swan
  • Featured Reviews

  • (45:00) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with Marc Webb (director of 500 Days of Summer)
  • Credits

  • The Scene Unseen Podcast is great! Check out their website and listen in!
  • A big thanks to our sponsor, Bonaroo.co.uk (use the code "filmcast" for free shipping to the U.S.!)
  • Our music comes from Point 22 courtesy of the Podsafe Network, and Brad Sucks
  • If you'd like advertise with us or sponsor us, please e-mail slashfilmcast@gmail.com.
  • Contact us at our new voicemail number: 781-583-1993
  • You can donate and support the /Filmcast by going to www.slashfilmcast.com and clicking on the left-hand side "Donate" links! Thanks to all our donors this week!