Somehow, The Best Star Wars Games Ever Have Returned

Today brings good news for "Star Wars" fans as two of the greatest video games in the history of the franchise are coming back in a big way. Announced during the recent Nintendo Direct, next month will see the release of the "Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection." In celebration of the original game's 20th anniversary this year, both 2004's "Star Wars: Battlefront" and 2005's "Star Wars: Battlefront II" are coming back to a console (or PC) near you. But these aren't just simple re-releases, nor do they have anything to do with the 2015 revamp of the series and its 2017 sequel. These are the original games with fully restored online multiplayer and brand-new in-game content. Check out the trailer above for a taste.

Much to discuss here. First up, the new collection features restored online play for up to 64 players. If I may? F*** yeah. These games have been playable on Xbox, Steam, and several other consoles for some time, but online play has been sorely missing. The online play now expands to Hero Assault mode as well, which is now playable on all ground maps. The new collection includes all previously released bonus content for both titles. But wait! Arguably the most exciting part is the new content, which is as follows:

"Star Wars: Battlefront"

  • Includes Bonus Map: Jabba's Palace

"Star Wars: Battlefront II"

  • Includes Bonus Maps: Bespin: Cloud City, Rhen Var: Harbor, Rhen Var: Citadel, and Yavin 4: Arena

  • Includes Bonus Heroes: Asajj Ventress and Kit Fisto

Yes, as if this couldn't get any better, a couple of prequel-era heroes are coming to the party in the form of Jedi Kit Fisto and "The Clone Wars" favorite Asajj Ventress. Since the games haven't been fully remastered, we get to see these two characters in all of their early 2000s, PlayStation 2/OG Xbox glory. What a lovely day.

Hello, old friend

For anyone who grew up playing these games, it's hard to imagine better news. These are, without hyperbole, some of the greatest multiplayer games in history, even looking outside the confines of a galaxy far, far away. The fact that modern gamers will now have the opportunity to play them online on current-gen consoles is nothing shy of outstanding. That is, assuming there aren't any major hiccups or any bugs when the games are released. With optimism in place, this is worthy of celebration.

In their day, the "Battlefront" games were tremendously successful and beloved by players. Unfortunately, plans to continue the series fell apart along the way. Not only was a nearly finished version of "Star Wars: Battlefront III" scrapped, but the now-defunct LucasArts was already planning a fourth installment in the series as well. Disney eventually revived the "Battlefront" games but as online shooters that more mirrored "Call of Duty" than they did the original games. That's a big part of why this new collection feels so special.

The "Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection" arrives on March 14 for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation5, PlayStation4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, and PC. It retails for $35 but it is currently on sale for $31.49 for several of these platforms.