Kaitlyn Dever Has A Close Encounter Of The Worst Kind In The No One Will Save You Trailer

Aliens have visited Earth plenty of times on the big screen, whether it's the more gentle arrival of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," the massively deadly attack in "Independence Day," or the helpful, future-seeing travelers from "Arrival." Unfortunately, the aliens who show up in 20th Century Studios' new movie "No One Will Save You" are not the friendly kind, and "Booksmart" co-star Kaitlyn Dever is going to have her hands full dealing with them.

"No One Will Save You" is the latest movie from "Spontaneous" writer, producer, and director Brian Duffield. Described as a sci-fi psychological thriller told through the eyes of a lonely young woman with a painful backstory, the trailer doesn't use any dialogue to set up the story, and we're not given any significant details about our main character. But it perfectly invokes vibes of something like "Signs" or "10 Cloverfield Lane." Furthermore, the way the movie is being presented seems to tease some kind of mystery at the center of the story, and this trailer has certainly piqued my interest.

Watch the No One Will Save You trailer

In the official press release for the trailer's arrival, Duffield had this to say:

"I wanted the movie to take the lead of a small intimate character study and drop an alien invasion on top of them. The end of the world won't only be for those that are ready for it, and the idea of an alien movie rudely bursting the bubble our character has spent years building and cultivating felt like a unique way to tell a favorite story."

That makes it sound like Dever's character Brynn has maybe just started to get her life together when this alien invasion happens. Maybe she's even suffered some kind of trauma that brought her close to death, and she's not ready to face it yet again when these aliens arrive. Whatever the reasoning, Brynn's resistance to them is a key point in the movie, and not just from a survival standpoint. Duffield added:

"I think there's a deeply buried feeling that every alien invasion movie could turn out to be true because they remain such an unknown in our daily lives. As our world careens more and more out of control, maybe there's even a desire that there's something out there smarter than us that can help put us on a more sane path. The aliens in 'No One Will Save You' are superior to humans in every way, which makes Brynn and her surprising resistance somewhat puzzling to them."

Dever certainly looks like she'll be put through the wringer. My curiosity is on high alert, too, because at one point in the trailer, Dever gets knocked out. If that happens early on in the movie, then I wouldn't necessarily trust anything that's happening after that to actually be unfolding in reality. Perhaps it's all a mental ruse that the aliens are using to test her. 

We'll find out when "No One Will Save You" arrives on Hulu starting on September 22, 2023.