An Insidious And Sinister Crossover Probably Won't Happen, But We Can Dream, Right?

"Insidious" and "Sinister" are two great modern-day horror films designed to give you the creeps. They also both come from Jason Blum's Blumhouse, which means there's crossover potential right there, folks! Horror crossovers are a fine tradition — think "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman," "Freddy vs. Jason," "Godzilla vs. Kong," and many, many more. Could "Sinister" and "Insidious" join that list?

The answer, surprisingly, could be yes. Maybe. Jason Blum was previously asked this same question and said he was open to the idea. In fact, Blum all but stated that it would definitely happen "at some point." However, enough time has passed that it doesn't seem like this is ever going to happen. But what if it did? 

Conjuring something sinister and insidious

"Insidious" is about various people tormented in haunted houses by parasitic demons who come from a mysterious, foggy void known as The Further. "Sinister," in contrast, is about a demonic force known as Bagul who creates snuff films featuring unfortunate families that cross his path. So how do you even begin to mash these franchises together? Perhaps Bagul can be a resident of The Further. Perhaps a family moves into a new home only to have to deal with snuff films and an otherworldly dimension.

But I have another suggestion: why not get "The Conjuring" involved in this, too? "The Conjuring" franchise primarily focuses on Ed and Lorraine Warren, married paranormal researchers who know all about ghosts, ghouls, and demons. "The Conjuring" is not a Blumhouse property, but hey, contracts could be worked out. The most obvious choice here would be for Ed and Lorraine to take a case that involves both The Further and the sinister home movies from Bugul. Since the bulk of "The Conjuring" movies are set in the past, it's unlikely the Warrens would run into the Lamberts, the family at the center of the "Insidious" movies. And everyone who runs afoul of Bagul turns up dead, so there's no one left to return on that front. But that's okay — The Further has seemingly always been around, and so has Bagul, which opens the door for Ed and Lorraine to investigate in the past. Lorraine could even use her psychic powers to look into The Further, and Ed could, oh, I dunno, play the guitar or something. 

What Jason Blum has to say

So, will this crossover ever happen? I have my doubts. But it's not exactly a far-out idea. When asked in 2018 about a potential "Insidious"/"Sinister" crossover, Blum said

"I hope so, I want to. We almost did 'Insidious' and 'Sinister' and I still feel like we might do that, so I think so. I think we're going to cross our worlds at some point. I don't know how yet, but we're going to try."

It's worth noting Blum says he thinks they'll cross "our worlds at some point," which suggests he could mash up all sorts of things. "The Purge" meets "Halloween"! "M3GAN" looks into the haunted mirror from "Oculus"! The choices are endless. However, earlier this year, the question about a "Sinister" and "Insidious" crossover. This time, Blum seemed less confident it would happen, but did reveal that plans were definitely in the works at one point in time:

"I think it would be fun, but we need to find the right story. We developed it for a while, like you said, you're right, we developed it for a while, but we could never think of a big movie. And I didn't want to do one movie just to combine the two franchises. I wanted to make a movie that felt really good. We never had a great idea, but I'm up for it."

It sounds like the door is open, but not too wide. It could happen, but don't hold your breath. Meanwhile, if you need me, I'll be over here waiting for Blumhouse to make "Happy Death Day 3." 

"Insidious: The Red Door," the latest "Insidious" movie, is now in theaters.