Superhero Bits: Iron Man, Man Of Steel, Chris Evans, Clark Gregg, Batman: Arkham City

Who designed the awesome young Tony Stark above? Want to hear Chris Evans talk about Stan Lee and Captain America 2? What new character has been announced for Batman: Arkham City? Would Megan Fox like to do another comic book movie? Did the reboot of the DC Universe make any un-PC changes to their characters? And can Clark Gregg be serious and funny when being interviewed for The Avengers? Read about all of this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

A visibly exhausted Chris Evans talked to MTV about Stan Lee's cameo in The Avengers. No spoilers here, just very tired comments about the awesomeness that is Lee.

This blows my mind. It's a 3D rendering of a Young Tony Stark by Brazilian artist Fabricio Campos, posted on Cool Vibe. This guy needs an animated job like now.

MTV has some new details on the X-Men cartoon that was announced yesterday to air on G4 in October. Here's the plot description:

In the series, the X-MEN are reunited following the death of a teammate, and are summoned by Charles Xavier to track down Hisako Ichiki, a missing teenage girl in Northern Japan. There, they encounter the fanatical and anti-mutant group, U-MEN, and discover what was important enough for Xavier to bring them back together. The answer is something that could potentially bridge the gap between mutants and humans, or tear the two species apart forever.

Clark Gregg did an interview with ABC News (via Comic Book Movie) in which he talked Thor, The Avengers, and artfully dodged the reporters attempts to get any kind of scoop.

Thirteen-year-old Evan Bacon has built this awesome life-size LEGO Batman. Head over to MOC Pages (via Nerd Approved) to see process pics and more.

Megan Fox spoke to Collider at the Toronto Film Festival and said she'd love to do another comic book movie:

Yeah. I love comic books. I just do. I think they're fun movies. Even when they make them into movies and the movies aren't great – I still think they're fun and I will watch them every time I go to a hotel. That's where Brian knows to go right into Action/Adventure and to find the comic book movies. There's something about that. I don't think that little kid ever grows up in any of us. It's just exciting to watch something that you read your whole life come to life – even if they don't do a great job.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over TWO pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

Another character has been revealed for Batman Arkham City: Deadshot. That's an image above thanks to Superhero Hype, head to Game Trailers to see him in action.

While Clark Gregg avoided spoilers in the interview above, speaking on Fuel TV (via CBM) he was happy to participate in a round of Fake Spoilers when discussing The Avengers.

Collider spoke to Chris Evans about filming in New York City for The Avengers, the lack of a timetable for shooting Captain America 2, and how being the superhero has changed his life.

A lady Silver Surfer, a great Dr. Doom and the Thing in the background getting no love at all. A big Dragon Con cosplay win right here. Thanks to Comics Alliance (via Daily What) for the image. Head to CA for an awesome post with more kick ass cosplay.

Lovefilm (via Superhero Hype) caught up with Gary Oldman and got him to chat a bit about The Dark Knight Rises:

There was obviously a bit of pressure on Chris to make another one but he can call the shots now, and I don't think he'd have made a third for the sake of it. He really wanted to complete what's, I guess, the trilogy. And he's come up with something very special.

While the DC Universe reboots, some people are reshaped too. For example, Amanda Waller, the head of the Suicide Squad, was a little portly in the old comics and is now all skinny and sultry. Not too PC, DC. Thanks to Comics Alliance (via Daily What).

One actor who won't be doing any superhero movies any time soon? Jason Statham. He says as much in this Guardian interview (via Movieline):

Me in a cape? I don't fancy that. Tight tights? Nah!> I don't think that's right for me. I just respond more to true stories, that's my flavor. [...] I dunno. Luckily, I get to play some good bits that make people think I'm tough. Who knows! Ha ha ha! I just gravitate to those more testosterone-filled sort of parts than me playing something a bit more fairy-like.

Spider-Man can hang from rooftops, walls and now your neck. GeekAlerts points us to this Sterling Silver Spider-Man necklace available at ThinkGeek.


The Canadian Press (via CBM) has run an article about the fact that Man of Steel will be shooting the bulk of their production there over the next few months. They talk about how long they've been preparing and also an interesting call for extras. Fisherman?

While in Ucluelet, filming will take place on land owned by a local First Nation and on a municipal street, and the town will play the role of a small, Alaskan fishing village. Filming will also take place on the ocean and at an industrial dock. Already, casting calls for movie extras have taken place in Ucluelet and Nanaimo, B.C. Sought especially were older men and women with "character faces" and some "commercial fishermen types," states advertisements placed on the Vancouver Island North Film Commission website.