Nolan Begins - Christopher Nolan To Screen Following In LA

Before he was the director of the second biggest film in box office history, and even before he garnered acclaim by telling a story of memory loss in reverse, Christopher Nolan broke onto the scene with Following. The multi-layered black and white crime noir thriller tells the story of Bill (Jeremy Theobald), an unemployed aspiring writer turned burglar, who becomes interested in one of the woman house owners he robs. He begins following her, and eventually begins seeing her. But things are not as they seem.

Nolan's debut film, which screened at Slamdance in 1999, is being included as part of Slamdance's 15 year anniversary celebration. A special screening will be held in Los Angeles at LACMA's Bing Theater (5905 Wilshire) on Friday, September 5th at 8:00pm. The screening will include a question and answer session with Christopher Nolan, moderated by Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times, and hosted reception for ticket holders to follow screening. Tickets are available for $20 through No tickets will be available at the door.