Is 'Monsters, Inc. 2' A Prequel?

Have you wondered how Pixar would structure the promised sequel to Monsters, Inc? If current rumor is to be believed, it will actually be a prequel — possibly a very smart move — rather than a sequel. Though there's not a lot of info, we've stuck it after the break in case you want to avoid knowing anything more.

The idea is that we'd see Mike and Sulley during their tenure at the University of Fear, where they start off as enemies and then become friends.

The source is a French site, Disney Plaza Central, with some follow-up by Animatie. The real source for this info seems to be a theater catalog distributed by Disney, which has info on upcoming films in 2011/2012. We don't know more details — the core creative team hasn't even been confirmed at this point. So we don't know if director Peter Docter will return to direct once more. All we do know is Disney's announced release date of November 16, 2012. Treat everything else as unconfirmed info at best, and rumor at worst, for the time being.

[via The Playlist]