Easter Egg: Mickey Mouse On Cloud City In 'The Empire Strikes Back'

The Star Wars blog just posted a very awesome easter egg from The Empire Strikes Back, one that somehow foretold recent events. Mickey Mouse can be plainly seen in the background of Cloud City while Luke Skywalker is fighting Darth Vader on Hoth. This, of course, is interesting not only because it's a cool piece of trivia, but because Disney now owns LucasFilm. Check out the film stills below.

Here are the images from the Star Wars Blog.

Lucas has always been a Disney fan so this isn't that big of a surprise. When he was 11, he was at Disneyland the day it opened, a park that's well known for hiding Mickey's everywhere.

Had any of you noticed this before? Will you be able to unsee it?

Thanks to artist Cuyler Smith for the awesome art at the top of this article.