Hacked Disney+ Accounts Are Being Sold On The Dark Web

Disney+ is one of the cheapest streaming services out there, but that hasn't stopped people from selling hacked Disney+ accounts for even cheaper on the dark web. According to a new report, thousands of hacked Disney+ accounts are already for sale. In fact, hacked accounts were available for sale on hacking forums within mere hours of the Disney+ launch.ZDnet is reporting that thousands of Disney+ accounts have been hacked and are already up for sale on the location of the second Unfriended movie – the dark web. The BBC launched its own investigation piggybacking off of ZDnet and confirmed the same. There are even screenshots.

Jason Hill, a lead researcher with CyberInt, tells the BBC that accounts were stolen primarily "because people use the same passwords for different sites." Hill adds that hackers "can lift someone's password from a different site which has previously been hacked and then try it on a new site, like Disney+. If it works, they steal the account."

"Whilst many may consider having a unique password for each online service to be difficult to manage, password managers simplify this process and allow you to generate and securely store unique difficult-to-guess passwords," Hill said. Disney+ currently does not have two-factor authentication, a method they might want to consider looking into to avoid this.

What makes this all the more strange is that Disney+ is relatively cheap. It's currently only $7, and while some hacked accounts are being sold for $3, others are going for as much as $11. That's more money than a non-stolen account. That said, ZDnet also adds that they found several hacked Disney+ accounts being offered to the hacker community for free.

Disney+ had technical problems the moment it launched. Those issues seem to have been resolved by now, but dealing with hacked accounts is a whole new headache. We've reached out to Disney+ for a comment on the matter and will update when and if they reply.