On the November 11, 2019 episode of /Film Daily,/Film senior writerBen Pearsonis joined by writersHoai-Tran BuiandChris Evangelistafor a spoiler-filled conversation about the fourth episode of HBO'sWatchmen, entitled "If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own."
Her daughter's nightmare – was that her experience?
Angela Abar
Family tree
Lube Man! Who is he?
Will wants to make sure she received those memory pills, which might connect to Trieu's daughter's IV
Adrian Veidt
Swamp babies!
"Your flaws and this thoughtless design...I am most definitely not your maker. I would never have burdened such pathetic creatures with the gift of life."
Launches slaughtered bodies into the sky
Crackpot corner
Is Cal Doctor Manhattan? (His "accident," the way he talks to the kids about death, his survival of the White Night)
Will can walk! What is he up to?
Is Lady Trieu aligned with Doctor Manhattan somehow? Will asks her how much longer until their plan comes to fruition, and she pauses for a second and says, "three days." Doctor Manhattan obviously had a unique relationship with time, and she knew exactly when the thing was going to crash in the Clark's backyard
You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today's show at slashfilm.com, and linked inside the show notes.
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Thanks to Kris Keochinda for the opening theme song and @sirzapz on Twitter for the logo.