On the November 6, 2018 episode of /Film Daily, /Film editor-in-chiefPeter Scirettais joined by /Film managing editorJacob Hall, weekend editorBrad Oman, senior writerBen Pearsonand writersHoai-Tran BuiandChris Evangelistato talk about what we've been up to at the Water Cooler.You can subscribe to /Film Daily oniTunes,Google Play,Overcast,Spotifyand all the popular podcast apps (here is theRSSURL if you need it).
Opening Banter: Who voted today?At TheWater Cooler:
What we've beenDoing:
Peter celebrated Halloween at theWest Hollywood Halloween carnival, updated hisApple Watchand it ended up bricking his device, and went toDisneylandwhich is in a weird week transition between Halloween and Christmas Time, and I interviewed the directors ofRalph Breaks The Internet.
Brad has been battling a hellish sinus infection, went toGhostbustersin Concert, returned home from Utah
Jacob bought a weighted blanket and it is amazing.
Hoai-Tran had her going away party at thePlayers Club, and attended a Friendsgiving before meeting Ryan and Shane fromBuzzfeed Unsolved.
Chris VOTED, because it's the right thing to do, damn it.
What we've beenReading:
Jacob has temporarily abandoned real books because he caved in and bought some video game strategy guides.
What we've beenWatching:
Peter saw an early screening ofRalph Breaks the Internet, and finally watchedAmerican Vandalseason one.
Brad sawBohemian Rhapsodyand started watchingChef's Table.
Jacob is enjoying the newUniversal MonstersBlu-ray box set, caught up withSkyscraper, is nearing end ofERseason 8, and finally started watching season 5 ofThe Great British Baking Show.
Chris watched the newly added, older episodes ofGreat British Bake Off/Baking Show,The Nun, the new cut ofOutlaw King.
Ben watchedKing Kong,Homecoming King,Patriot Act, and tried watchingThe Night Comes For Usbut had anIp Manmarathon instead
Hoai-Tran has been watching Netflix'sQueer Eye.
What we've beenEating:
Aside from a cheat day at Disneyland, Peter has been on his diet and has reached 20 pounds lost.
Brad triedHot Cocoa Hershey's Kissesand is celebrating the return ofWhite Fudge covered Oreos.
What we've beenPlaying:
Jacob is still working throughRed Dead Redemption 2, tried outThe Mummy Demasteredand he picked upDiablo 3on the Nintendo Switch.
Hoai-Tran has been blastingAriana Grande's "thank u next"andCarly Rae Jepsen's "Party for One"while packing.
You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today's show at slashfilm.com, and linked inside the show notes.
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