On the September 26, 2018 episode of /Film Daily, /Film editor-in-chiefPeter Scirettais joined by /Film writersHoai-Tran BuiandChris Evangelistato talk what the latest film and tv news, including Halloween, James Wann, Birds of Prey, Star Wars, Aquaman, and in the Mail Bag we'll answer some of the reader e-mails.You can subscribe to /Film Daily oniTunes,Google Play,Overcast,Spotifyand all the popular podcast apps (here is theRSSURL if you need it).
Opening Banter: Peter made the mistake of asking twitter for health advice.In The News:
Lored in Worcester MA writes in "Hey guys. Love your podcast. Listen to it daily. I heard you guys talking about the new subtitle for the Girl in the Spider's Web. I thought someone would have mentioned it by now, but this book is not part of the original trilogy that Stieg Larsson wrote. As you probably know, he passed away after completing the first three books. This is not a direct sequel to the Girl with a Dragon Tatoo. I wonder if Sony is trying to make sure people know it's set in the same universe and not a stand alone movie.Anyways, that's just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work."
Scott A from Alameda, CA writes in "Hey Gang – I implore each of you to check out The Rider. It is a masterful film. While I did not connect with the subject matter as much as other films, the artistry of Chloe Zhao, her cinematographer, and editor are what truly elevate this film. Using a wonderful juxtaposition of wide shots to emphasize the emptiness of the South Dakota landscape with extreme close-ups touching upon the claustrophobia of Brady's tragic situation, the film highlighted the type of director that Zhao is. The Rider was in my top 5 at the half-year mark and while it may have since slipped down, it is definitely a film worth watching. I think Chris, especially, would love it. A high recommend and I think Marvel hiring Zhao is an inspired choice. Keep up the great work!"
In response to our Predator episode:
Prince from New York City writes in "I will agree that everything went downhill at the Cadillac commercial in the woods but your complaints seemed...looney. Plot holes in a Predator movie? Really? We enjoyed the movie (except the final scene). It was fast and fun and dumb. You don't go to Applebees for fine dining. And you don't go to Predator movies thinking there will be no plot-holes. Tighten up."
Jacob C from Mississippi writes "Peter, I just listened to the predator spoiler episode andI cannot believe you were made fun of so much by how confused you were in the movie. I totally and completely agree with you on every point you made. The movie was edited extremely horribly and I couldn't tell what was going on half the time. I shame Brad for making fun of you with a nerd voice. That was uncalled for ?. It made no sense and it was a trash movie. Also the depiction of Tourette's syndrome was extremely bad. My dad and I both have Tourette's and we laughed the whole movie at Thomas Jane's depiction of it because of how inaccurate and offensive it was. Tourette's is rarely that severe, and when it is that bad it doesn't look like that. Literally it's only purpose was to set up some really bad jokes.Anyway I just felt the need to defend you because I can't see how anyone could think this movie is good in any way. I'm very disappointed in Shane Black. Thank you for standing firm in your opinions. Love the show!"
Is anyone excited for Venom?
Michael Rode says "Tom Hardy usually chooses wisely (that of course looks like it will change). People think it looks like a more scary version of Deadpool."
Scott A. from Alameda, CA writes in: "Hi Peter and Gang! Let me start by saying how much I love the podcast. It is a daily treat which I eagerly await each day. Now as to your bashing of Venom.I am indeed one of these mysterious folks you have been seeking that is excited to see Venom.I wanted to take a moment to tell you why. Let me start by saying thatI acknowledge the movie is probably going to be really bad and the trailers have looked terrible.So why oh why am I excited for the film. Well to quote the amazing Jeff Cannata, I am a "Marvel Zombie from way back." I fell into comics in the early 90's and it was Spider-Man and a certain symbiote villian that directly hooked me from moment one.For us 1990 Spider-Man lovers, Venom was the go-to villian. His character design, his intensity, his ability to toy with Spider-Man made him a character who you rooted for almost as much as the main hero. I had his trading card, his action figure, and I loved his depiction on the 1994 Spider-Man animated series. When it was announced he would be in Spider-Man 3, I was dubious because I felt he was being shoehorned into the film. As it turned out, that was exactly the situation and his appearance was terrible. Yes I can hear you arguing that this film looks equally bad if not worse. Here is the counter argument,the character design of Venom in this film is perfect and that is enough for me. I will use my A-List to see the movie and will probably complain about it afterwards, but for that first moment of seeing a true representation of Venom on screen will bring me such joy that even if just for a split second, 1991-Scott will reappear and smile. I know that I'm not alone in my love for Venom and I feel that is what will be dragging the majority of us to the theater. Hope that answers your question and helps you on your search. Keep up the great work and I look forward to many more episodes."
All the other stuff you need to know:
You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today's show at slashfilm.com, and linked inside the show notes.
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