Star Wars Bits: 'Solo' Easter Eggs, Deep Cut References, And The Legendary Cameo That Never Was

In this edition of Star Wars Bits:

  • A whole bunch of Solo Easter eggs are revealed
  • Ron Howard makes a stunning revelation
  • Mark Hamill and James Gunn become BFF's
  • Taika Waititi becomes Boba Fett...sort of
  • And much more!
  • Indiana Jones 5Solo: A Star Wars Story might've underperformed at the box office, but it definitely didn't underperform when it comes to easter eggs. Not just Star Wars easter eggs though, as SyFy discovered there are also some pop culture easter eggs from classics like the Indiana Jones movies and Back to the Future.

    The Star Wars Story movies have brought us some fantastic new droids in the form of Rogue One's K-2SO and Solo's L3-37, and some fans have been wondering if the sassy sidekicks might've made a good couple. Luckily for curious Star Wars fans, K-2SO himself – actor Alan Tudyk –jumped on Twitter to let us all know his thoughts.

    Fan favorite Admiral Ackbar sadly lost his life during the Resistance's escape to Crait in The Last Jedi, but thanks to the current comic book adaptation from Gary Whitta, Michael Walsh, Mike Spicer, and Clayton Cowles, fans can now find out the hero's last words. The creative team gives him the honorable death he deserves, and as the pages CBR shared show, his last words are worthy of the Mon Calamari martyr.

    Looks like James Gunn and Mark Hamill are neighbors and good buds, as this recent Instagram post showcased! The pair seem to share many hobbies and passions, as well as both being part of the sprawling space-centric galactic landscape of Lucasfilm, Marvel, and Disney.

    Taika Waititi has long been a fantastic filmmaker, but with Thor: Ragnarok he announced himself as a major player in blockbuster cinema. And many fans have been desperate to know where he might turn up next! Well, comic book artist and legend Phil Noto drew Taika as Boba Fett and it is honestly quite wonderful.

    One of the most touching moments of Solo was also a deep cut reference to the original trilogy. When L3-37 became one of the ship's three computers on the Millenium Falcon, it answered C-3PO's question about the strange dialect of the Falcon. Many fans were surprised and joyous at the addition, but as Screen Rant reports, those who've read the radical Jason Fry The Last Jedi novelization may have already have worked it out! The book teased the moment with some nods to the personality of one of the ship's computers.

    Solo's biggest reveal was, of course, the appearance of Darth Maul as the leader of the crime syndicate the Crimson Dawn. Of course, fans all went wild wondering what it means for the future of the Star Wars universe, but according to one lucky Twitter user, Darth Maul himself Ray Park told him that it Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is happening! Or so Park says. Take all of that with a grain of salt for now, because one actor cannot confirm the plans of an entire studio.

    Enfys Nest was a standout character in Solo, a direct connection to the original trilogy, and a personification of the real message of Star Wars. Hasbro took to Instagram to reveal the the Black Series figure of the new addition to the galaxy, including her cool AF swoop bike. We'll definitely be grabbing this one when it hits shelves later this year.

    She may have been mercilessly killed off within the opening act of the movie – which was a disappointment to many of us –but Thandie Newton's Val was still a total badass, and she's still getting an action figure of her own.

    We already showed you Enfys Nest and her amazing swoop bike, but that's not the only Enfys toys that Hasbro has in store, as Nerdist has revealed in a super cool exclusive. The toys run the gauntlet from Black Series to Force Link to Playschool Heroes and we love all of them! But we love the fact that this hints that Enfys may play a big part in more stories going forward.

    The new Star Wars trilogy has its fair share of outrageous celebrity cameos, and Solo almost had one of the most unbelievable of all, as Ron Howard recently revealed to None other than Tom Hanks wanted to be a Stormtrooper in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and though it never happened, it would've surely been an wild moment for the series.

    Star Wars has long had some incredible and important women, from Princess Leia to Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano to Mon Mothma, and now Star has announced that the incomparable Amy Ratcliffe has written an entire book about the galaxy's most amazing women! Joined by an unbelievable roster of non-binary and women creators including Jen Bartel, Little Corvus, and more, the book looks to be a much needed celebration of the women of Star Wars.

    For those of you looking out for every bit of Star Wars info you can find, here's a new tidbit for you: Fantha Tracks reports that the shooting name of Episode IX has changed from "Black Diamond" to "trIXie." See what they did there? It's not a lot of info, but it does signify that we're almost in production and will likely be getting a lot of news starting to flow over the next few months.