New 'Logan' Photo Effectively Shows Why The Wolverine Sequel Will Be R-Rated

Finishing up a week chock full of updates about Wolverine 3, which is now officially going by the title of Logan, we have one more photo from the X-Men spin-off sequel. The first image from earlier this week revealed a teaser poster of a wounded Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) holding the hand of a child. Another photo showed off a page of the script that showed us how this Wolverine movie would be different from any X-Men movie we'd see before. And one more image revealed Patrick Stewart as a severely aged Professor X.

Now the latest Logan photo isn't of any particular character in the movie, but of an object. What's great about this photo is that it shows us at least one reason why Logan will be one of those rare, R-rated superhero movies. But don't worry, it's one of those images that's totally safe for work.

Here's the Logan photo from the newly verified Instagram account called wponx:


A photo posted by @wponx on

More casual X-Men movie fans may not realize that the Instagram username comes from the codename Weapon X, which is what those who experimented on Wolverine called him, being the tenth iteration of their efforts to create their own mutant soldier.

Presumably more reveals will be coming from this Instagram account will be coming in the future, but I hope they're not all going go be black and white. While I like the aesthetic of the photos released so far, it would be nice to get an idea of what these images will look like in the actual film. I doubt that the actual movie will be in black and white, but there's certainly the possibility that fractions of the movie could use that color scheme.

As for the content of that photo, someone clearly isn't having a good day. It appears Wolverine dispatched with a man who attempted to blast him away with a shotgun, and that man likely won't be shooting a shotgun ever again. He might have even gotten a shot off and hurt Wolverine, which could be bad since we've learned that he's not healing as fast as he used to. There's some real blood here beyond some slight scrapes and scratches, and we're likely to see much more in this movie than any other X-Men movie before.

Stay tuned to this Instagram account for more updates on Logan as we wait for the first teaser trailer to arrive, presumably sometime soon. 20th Century Fox releases the sequel directed by James Mangold next spring on March 3, 2017.