James Cameron Says 'Avatar' Sequels Will Make You 'S*** Yourself;' Plus Frame Rate Update
James Cameron has never been one to set the bar low. When his last two films were released, each was most expensive movies ever made and became the highest grossing films ever. Avatar remains on the top of the list by a wide margin, followed up by the other recent Cameron film, Titanic. But that's not all. Cameron has reached similar heights making the first $100 million film in Terminator 2: Judgement Day, groundbreaking effects in The Abyss, and of course the technical advancements in Avatar which set the stage for much of what's happening in special effects today.
For his next trick, Cameron is going to film the three sequels to Avatar, set for release in December 2016-2018, simultaneously. It's a huge task but, if you are to believe Cameron, he thinks they're going to be pretty great. In fact, he thinks they may induce bodily fluids. Read his exact quote, along with the final answer on the discussion of frame rate, below.
Cameron was talking to Empire Magazine about the Avatar sequels when he said the following:
I can tell you one thing about them. They're gonna be bitchin'. You will s*** yourself with your mouth wide open.
Well that's, nice, Mr. Cameron. Tell us how you really feel. Seriously though, he's probably just tired of answering the same questions about the story lines which he refuses to answer for obvious reasons. Plus he's excited. He'd better be considering he's been working on these films for five years and hasn't started production yet.
Another quote from the interview has Cameron clarifying some of the discussion about the frame rate he's going to shoot the movies in. He won't do 60 or 120, he's doing 48:
My thinking at the time was that 60 [FPS] might be a better segue to the video market. I'll be plugging into a system that's a little more mature, so it makes sense for me to do 48 frames at this point.
There's no word on whether or not he'll distribute like that.
Cameron will get to work on the films in the Spring. The writing breakdown is like this: