Superhero Bits: Lego Batman, Ant-Man, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four

Is there a way to see what Two-Face was going to do the Sixties Batman series? What eras of Batman will the Lego Batman movie have? Are there secret characters hidden on the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray? What does "I Am Groot" sound like in French? Which movies can you play in the subscription to Lego Batman 3? Want to see Paul Rudd on the set of Ant-Man from this weekend? Is Scott Derrickson teasing something specific about Doctor Strange? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

Artist Sacha Goldberger has reimagined various superhero and pop culture figured as 16th Century figures.

Phil Lord and Chris Miller tell Empire the Lego Batman movie will touch on all iterations of the character.60s Batman Two-Face

A never filmed episode of the '60s Batman series that would have introduced Two-Face is finally seeing the light of day, as a comic book.

Paul Rudd was still filming Ant-Man over the weekend and Just Jared caught some photos of him on set.

"I am Groot" in 15 different languages from the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray.

Heartwarming story of a dad who dressed up as Spider-Man for his sick son.Flash Arrow TV GuideArrow and Flash share the cover of the upcoming TV Guide

An official Ant-Man novel will tell a story of Hank Pym using the suit in the 1960s.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

Superheroes battle video game characters in this video by CorridorDigital via Sploid.

The Daily Marvelite (via Comic Book Movie) says the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series will air in January or February.Superman Brand

This homemade Superman brand is available at this link.

Superhero Hype's interview with James Gunn has some great thoughts on moments from Guardians of the Galaxy that were cut and not on the DVD.

This trailer for the season pass of Lego Batman 3 shows scenes from The Dark Knight Trilogy and Man of Steel that you can play.

The rumored plot that's going around for Fantastic Four is not correct, according to one of the film's first writers.

Beta Ray Bill and Starhawk Guardians Blu

A Reddit user, via Cosmic Book Movie, found alternate Guardians Beta Ray Bill and Starhawk hiding on the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray.

Evangeline Lilly was very impressed with the Marvel machine when working on Ant-Man.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.


Sweet Rocket and Groot statue via Toys Revil.

Vincent Donofrio is now on Twitter, sporting his Daredevil Kingpin look.Sahin Düzgün Batman v SupermanSahin Düzgün's Batman v Superman fan post via F Yeah.

Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson drops another tease on Twitter.