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Noah Behind The Scenes Videos Show How Darren Aronofsky Created The Ark, Creatures, And Great Flood

Darren Aronofsky's Noah hits home video on July 29th 2014 (preorder it here) and Paramount has released a bunch of video clips from the making of documentary on the blu-ray release. I really liked the film, and its always great to see real clips of Darren Aronofsky directing a film. These clips go to show just how much cast and crew it takes to bring this tale to the big screen. One of the clips shows the elaborate rig which creates the rain at the beginning of the flood sequence. Watch the Noah behind the scenes video clips after the jump.

Creating The Rain for Noah (from Collider):

Battling the Elements to Shoot Noah (from Hitfix)

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The Creation of the Ark (from USA Today)

Building the Ark: Creating animatronic beasts for Noah (from Crave):