Superhero Bits: Captain America 3, Marvel Universe Live, X-Men Apocalypse, Batman Vs. Superman, Jean Grey

Want to see new Marvel portraits from the Mike Mitchell Mondo show? Does Patrick Stewart think he'll be back for X-Men: Apocalypse? What do celebrities want to name Batman vs. Superman? Where can you hear Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan talk about Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America 3? Is Amazing Spider-Man 2 making a lot of money overseas? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

Mashable has an exclusive look at Marvel Universe Live.

Somehow Sony found more new footage from Amazing Spider-Man 2 to put in a new TV spot.

Mike Mitchell - Iron ManTime Magazine revealed the Avengers from Mike Mitchell's upcoming Mondo show.The Amazing Spider-Man 2 won the international box office this past weekend, while Captain America: The Winter Soldier took the US crown for the third straight week.

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Movie Trailers, Celebrity NewsPatrick Stewart answers the question: Will his version of Xavier be back for X-Men Apocalypse? via MTV.Hugh Jackman will be hosting WWE Raw tonight, promoting X-Men Days of Future Past.Clevver Movies asked a bunch of celebrities to name Batman vs. Superman.Henry Cavill, the Man of Steel, was seen about town in Chicago before Batman vs. Superman shooting begins.

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This is a variant cover of the upcoming Rocket Raccoon #1 by David Peterson. CBM details that it should tie in with Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Art Of VFX has great interviews with the VFX supervisor and compositing supervisor of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

First trailer for the animated take on the Rocksteady Batman Arkham games. Read more here.

Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan appeared on This Week In Marvel to talk Cap 2 and Captain America 3. Direct DL.Batman 75 figures

Some new toys for the Batman 75th anniversary via DC Comics.

Marvel is writing the history of Daredevil on their site.

Jean Grey SideshowSideshow Collectibles has this insane Jean Grey figure available for pre-order.

Finally, Simon Kinberg talked to Crave Online about Rogue's role in X-Men: Days of Future Past.