'Back To The Future Part II' Documentary Focuses On 2015 Future Technology
Back to the Future fans surely know that next year, 2015, is the year Marty McFly travels to in Back to the Future Part II. However, when the film was released in 1989, the possibility of flying cars, self-tying shoes and hoverboards seemed within the realm of possibility 25 years down the line. Now that 2015 is upon us, despite the odd viral video, we're no closer to much of the tech. Or are we?
That's the subject of an in-production Back to the Future 2 documentary called Back to the Future Again. Directed by John Plaskett, the film explores the technology imagined on the set of Back to the Future Part II versus how close science actually is to achieving it now that the year has arrived. Why can't we make cars fly? Are Hoverboards possible? Will shoes tie themselves? All those questions will likely be answered in the film.
Below, read more about the Back to the Future 2 documentary and help its last minute push on Kickstarter, where funds are needed to officially license expensive footage from the original movies.
Film School Rejects alerted us to this Back to the Future 2 documentary. The Kickstarter is here and below is the short pitch video:
Putting the Kickstarter aspect of this project aside, I think this is a fun topic for a documentary. Film fans tend to talk a lot about how technology hasn't created much of what was imagined in Back to the Future Part II, yet they regularly gloss over what we do have and what wasn't imagined in the new film.
For example, there aren't portable telephones or computers in the Back to the Future future. The McFlys are still using fax machines instead of e-mails or text messages. We might not be able to hydrate a pizza, but we can order any kind of food from our phone and have it here in minutes, or find the recipe for just about anything, and instructional videos to cook it. TVs might not have the ability to watch 20 channels at once, but we have thousands of channels and can record, without tape, six at a time. We can also watch them on our phones and computers.
Anyway, there's a laundry list of interesting juxtapositions between what the film visualized and what actually developed. Hopefully the film gets the funds it needs to finish things correctly. You can read much more about the movie on its Kickstarter and contribute, if you'd like. What do you think of the idea?