Superhero Bits: Amazing Spider-Man 2, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Man Of Steel
Which famous director has a role in Guardians of the Galaxy? Is Henry Cavill interested in joining the Justice League? Does Joss Whedon think the return of Agent Coulson is important? Will Hugh Jackman come back to play The Wolverine after Days of Future Past? What major event was Marc Webb filming this weekend for The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Was The Winter Soldier wreaking havoc on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.
Marvel (via Comic Book Movie) posted a page from the Thor: The Dark World prologue comic book.
Joss Whedon spoke to EW (via Superhero Hype) about bringing back Agent Coulson in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:
We're gonna earn it, that's not something you take lightly.
Google Plus posted this really cool promo image of Hugh Jackman for The Wolverine.Hugh Jackman told Entertainment Weekly he's come back for another Wolverine movie, but it's not a definite thing:
I wasn't even sure after the first [stand-alone] film if I would do another. I won't say never, because I'm still loving it. But there would have to be a pretty compelling reason.
@BarbarianFact did this cool, minimalist Man of Steel poster.
The debate about "Jenny Olson" in Man of Steel is settled, via Comic Book Movie.
Erik Justiniano took this fantastic image of his son looking at the poster for Man of Steel at Puerto Rican Comic-Con. #LuccasKidOfSteel
Philadelphia Comic-Con took place over the weekend and Superhero Hype has a huge gallery of cosplay images.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
Patrick Stewart talks about X-Men Days of Future Past, via ScreenCrush.
Crazy Dark Knight Rises gifs.
The president of Troma, Lloyd Kaufman (above) revealed to Crave Online that he's been cast in James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Speaking to Crave Online, Henry Cavill confirmed he'd be interested in joining the Justice League:
Of course I'm open to it, very much open to it, but I have no idea what plans are for that. I'm not privy to that kind of information. I think it would be a lot of fun to explore the character further and a continuing journey, but I know nothing about those plans so far.
Look at this pic from the WB strategy room, planning for its #SDCC panel on July 20.
— SDCC Unofficial Blog (@SD_Comic_Con) June 1, 2013
This is just too good not to share.
The Avengers is coming to Netflix Instant.
Deviant Artist Zahili did this super cool Batman by Gaslight art.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.
Over the weekend, Marc Webb filmed a high school graduation scene in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Superhero Hype has a huge gallery of images such as the one above.
What's Gwen saying there? CBM has a video of the full scene. Expect it to be pulled, however. (More here.)
Among the attendees at the ceremony, Stan Lee, filming his cameo.
As well as...Spider-Man, late as usual. Thanks to
The Winter Soldier is attacking on the Captain America: The Winter Soldier set in Cleveland this week. Above is a video from Comic Book Movie, and there's more here, including images.
Here's a close up of The Winter Soldier with a bionic arm.