Kickstart A Cast Of Kings Podcast For Game Of Thrones: Season 3

Update: This project has now been fully funded!

I've greatly enjoyed producing TV-related podcasts with Pajiba editor Joanna Robinson over the past year or two, as it's been a joy to tap into the fan base for each of these excellent shows to experience the listener engagement. A lot happened in our lives last year, but, without a doubt, a huge highlight for both of us was recording "A Cast Of Kings". Not only did we both love chatting about our favorite show, but we loved interacting with you, our listeners: reading your emails, testing your theories and, oh yeah, taking your abuse.

We'd like to bring the podcast back for another round, and with Game of Thrones' third season just around the corner, the two of us decided that now was the time to launch a Kickstarter to fund it. You can hit the jump to learn more, or head straight over to our Kickstarter page and support us with a pledge.

So why are we using Kickstarter? Well, along with launching four new podcasts between us last year, we also got involved in several other projects and positions and we find our time not as free and breezy as it used to be. We'd love nothing more than to have all the time in the word to chew over Lannisters, Starks and sexposition. But we make our living in a variety of ways, and we can't afford to turn down projects that pay us for those that don't. Gotta pay that HBO bill. Not to mention pay for our equipment and web hosting space, etc.

The podcast will stay free and available for download at We want even those with only a few coins to rub together to be able to listen. But we're hoping that if enough of you throw some dough into our virtual hat, everyone will be able to enjoy the show.

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