Sequel Bits: 'A Good Day To Die Hard', 'Transformers 4', 'Star Trek Into Darkness', 'Paranormal Activity 4'
The start of Sundance means there's heavy focus on indie films, but meanwhile the big-budget blockbuster sequel types are making news as well. After the jump:
Honestly, I think Courtney looks at least as much like Willis as Joseph Gordon-Levitt did in Looper. A Good Day to Die Hard opens February 14. [via The Playlist]
I didn't care for the last Paranormal Activity movie, and the last thing I want right now is more of it. If you feel differently, though, here's a "recovered file" (i.e., deleted scene) from the Paranormal Activity 4 Blu-ray/DVD release.
Paranormal Activity 4 comes to home video on January 29. [MTV]Michael Bay could not have been clearer a few weeks ago when he confirmed that Transformers 4 would not be a reboot, but a continuation of the first three films:
Transformers 4, is not a reboot. That word has been floating around on the net. This movie takes place exactly 4 years after the war in Chicago. The story makes a very natural transition, and reason as to why we have a whole new cast. This Transformers will feel very different then the last three. We are embarking on a new trilogy.
But it seems he forgot to tell his star, Mark Wahlberg. During an appearance on the Tonight Show, Wahlberg described the film to Jay Leno as "a complete reboot" of the Transformers series. So which is it? It seems like if anyone would know, it'd be Bay. But in Wahlberg's defense, with its entirely new cast and story arc, Transformers 4 might as well be a reboot, even if it takes place in the same universe.
Either way, Transformers 4 hits June 27. [via TFW2005]
Technically, J.J. Abrams still hasn't confirmed whether or not there will be Klingons in Star Trek Into Darkness. But all the clues so far point to yes, and now we even have a pretty good idea of what they'll look like. Check out the cover of issue #4 of Star Trek Countdown to Darkness, the official comic book prequel to the film.
See the Klingons, along with the rest of the Star Trek universe, when Star Trek Into Darkness arrives in theaters May 17.