Superhero Bits: Amazing Spider-Man, Arrow, Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, Ninja Turtles

Want to catch a glimpse of Deadshot in CW's Arrow? What are the Target and Best Buy exclusives for The Dark Knight Rises? Has James Gunn begun to discuss casting Guardians of the Galaxy? Are major surprises in store as The Amazing Spider-Man comic book comes to an end? Did Liam Neeson like discussing his cameo in The Dark Knight Rises? What does Adventure Time look like when it stars The Avengers? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

This mashup of Adventure Time and The Avengers was inevitable. Buy at Busted Tees via Shirtoid.

Speaking with Collider, Liam Neeson discussed his Dark Knight Rises cameo and lack of involvement with Mark Millar's Nemesis.

Comic Book Movie posted these images of the Target exclusive Dark Knight Rises packaging. They also say Best Buy will have a Steelbook with an additional DVD.

Speaking at MorrisonCon in Las Vegas, James Gunn discussed casting Guardians of the Galaxy:

It's not cast-dependent. We could make the movie with unknowns if we wanted to. I can't talk too much about this, because Marvel will kill me!

Hi-res versions of all the Thanos materials from The Avengers Blu-ray have been posted on CBM, including this concept art. has a Man of Steel primer article on this history of Lois Lane.

Check out this new featurette for Arrow on The CW.

Superhero Hype posted this first look at Deadshot in Arrow.

A second season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has already been ordered.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over TWO pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

Newsarama (via Badass Digest) posted this image, an alternate, unused Steve Ditko cover of Amazing Fantasy #15 which will be the cover of the final issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, #700.Batman: Arkham City – Game of the Year edition is heading to Mac.

Before The Amazing Spider-Man ends in issue 700 though, this image from #695 (via Bleeding Cool) teases the future of several titles in the Marvel Universe. Spoilers?

What Culture lists ten things they want to see in the Justice League movie. Only ten?SuperPunch has a bunch of pics of this cool, collectible, articulated Spider-Man by MAFEX.

/Film reader Dustin S. pointed out this super cool interactive timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.