Superhero Bits: The Wolverine, The Avengers, Incredible Hulk, Batman: Arkham City, Iron Man, Supergirl
What films are influencing James Mangold on the set of The Wolverine? Want to see a slew of concept art from movies like Green Lantern and Spider-Man 3? Has someone made an Formula 1 car influenced by The Dark Knight Rises? How is the new Avengers video game coming along? What would Iron Man look like with Boba Fett's helmet? Did Edward Norton have anything interesting to say about his experiences as The Incredible Hulk? Why is Joss Whedon making out with Clark Gregg? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.
Concept artist Constantine Sekeris posted a ton of superhero concept art on his site (via CBM) including this piece from Spider-Man 3.
Here's the latest trailer for the Avengers fighting game: Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth.
The Wolverine Facebook page revealed the first description of the movie:
Based on the celebrated comic book arc, THE WOLVERINE finds Logan, the eternal warrior and outsider, in Japan. There, samurai steel will clash with adamantium claw as Logan confronts a mysterious figure from his past in an epic battle that will leave him forever changed.
The cover to the Wii-U exclusive edition of Batman Arkham City – Armored Edition – has been revealed via Superhero Hype.
Badass Digest hypothesized what could possibly happen if Daredevil returns to Marvel.
This. Is. Awesome. KnightVision3D (via Nerd Approved) created this 3D model of a Dark Knight Tumbler turned into Formula 1 Race Car.
Torchwood star John Barrowman has been cast in Arrow, via Entertainment Weekly.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
College Humor is really dedicated to their Batman videos. In this one, Batman's fears are a little wimpy.Alex Alva designed this Iron Man/Boba Fett helmet for the As You Wish project, with proceeds going to charity. It'll be on display at Star Wars Celebration IV. Thanks to The Dented Helmet via Fashionably Geek.
Too lazy to go through the Stan Lee AMA? Gamma Squad has picked their 12 favorite answers, complete with video.
Here's the trailer for the upcoming DC Comics version of Robot Chicken, via Comic Book Movie.
The magazine SFX listed the top 50 superhero movies of all time and number one isn't The Dark Knight.
ThinkGeek has this cool S.H.I.E.L.D t-shirt.Edward Norton spoke to Larry King about a ton of topics, including The Incredible Hulk.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the final page of Superhero Bits.
Clark Gregg tweeted this image of him kissing Joss Whedon as a way to explain the fate of his Avengers character.
The comic book Scam has a huge billboard on the Las Vegas strip, according to Bleeding Cool.
Cool behind the scene images from Iron Man 2 via Screenrant. Head there for some other cool memes and stuff too.
James Mangold, the director of The Wolverine, joined Twitter and listed some of his inspirations: "Eastwood's Josie Wales, Powell's Back Narcissus, Hitchcock's Rear Window, Marnie, Vertigo, Ozu's Floating Weeds, Kurosawa's High & Low, Polanski's Chinatown, everything by Wong Kar Wai And Chris Doyle, Besson's Professional."Supergirl rarely gets love, so I figured I'd post this bust (no pun intended) of the DC character available at Forbidden Planet via Geek Alerts.
Watch this video about the history of Captain Marvel.