'The White Residence' By Mark Englert Continues 'Breaking Bad Art Project'
This week's addition to the Breaking Bad Art Project could almost serve as a crown to all of the previous art. It's a simple image, but one full of references to the show, depicting the home of Walter, Skyler and Walter Jr. in sunny New Mexico. Mark Englert did the art. Check it out in full after the jump.
Here's The White Residence by Mark Englert, which will be on sale this afternoon.
This morning @BreakingGifs twitter revealed a location in New York City that was kind of like a dealer. There, a dozen Vannen Watches based on the classic Breaking Bad episode Fly, directed by Rian Johnson, were given away, along with the URL Itakemytimebutialwayswin.com. That's where you can buy the poster soon.
It's a 12 x 36 inch screenprint in an addition of 300 which costs $60.
As always, keep an eye on BreakingGifs.com and @BreakingGifs for announcements on this series. BreakingGifs.com is viral campaign to promote the upcoming final season of Breaking Bad on AMC. Curated and run by Tyson Givens and Gallery 1988, each week the site will link to a new piece of Breaking Bad themed art by well-known and up and coming artists.
Two posters left...