Marc Webb Says 'Amazing Spider-Man' Includes Hints At Future Villains

Director Marc Webb was one of the many filmmakers talking to the press at WonderCon in Anaheim this weekend where he showed up an impressive Amazing Spider-Man sizzle reel previously only seen by select audiences. And though the film, which stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, isn't out until July 3, our friends at CinemaBlend got Webb to confirm, in a very vague way, that this film sets up future installments. You can not only read his exact quote, but watch and listen to it after the jump.

Thanks to CinemaBlend for popping the question to Webb who, as I was watch the video, consistently reminded me of MMA legend Chuck Liddell. The interview itself is worth watching as Webb talks about 3D, the design of the Lizard and more, but the sequel talk is at the very end.

And in case you don't want to watch the video, the question was asked if there are hints in the film to subsiquent villains to whcih Webb confirms, "There are." And though he obviously wouldn't be specific, he said this film works on its own and here's where audieneces should look:

The movie is conceived first and foremost to work as its own entity but there are certain things like... the story of his parents that emotionally and narratively are the long shadow that's cast over his life. Certainly there are hints to deeper stories but, you know, we've got to finish this before we can get to that so it was important that it function on its own.

The fact that Peter Parker's deceased parents play a larger role in this film, instead of the usual Uncle Ben death, already sets Webb's film apart from the usual accepted canon. What does that story say about future villains?