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VOTD: Michael Bay Pimps 'Transformers: Dark Of The Moon' Limited Edition Blu-Ray

In true Michael Bay fashion, not only is Transformers: Dark of the Moon a big Blu-ray release, it's his biggest one yet. Besides the four-disc, 3D, ultimate edition set that'll be released on January 31 (containing with over 3 hours of bonus features) Bay has posted a video revealing a limited edition box set of all three movies, signed by himself, that's also available for pre-order. Only 5,000 will be made and, whether you love Bay's Transformers movies or not, it's a tight looking package. Check out the video of Bay unboxing the set and describing the Blu-ray after the jump.

This video is from Bay's Vimeo page. Check it out.

Michael Bay Showcases Transformers Blu-ray Limited Edition from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

On the page, it gives a link to a site called Bayhem.com to buy the limited edition box set, but really it's just a redirect to Amazon. Here's the link.

The limited edition set costs $111.99, which is pretty steep for what appears to be the same three, bonus feature filled, editions you can buy individually for $30 bucks each or whatever. In reality, that extra coin is buying the limited nature of the set, the really nice packaging and Bay's signature.

Are you gonna pick this up? Or just the Blu-ray itself?