Superhero Bits: The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Man Of Steel, Spider-Man, Chronicle
Which character might have a cameo in Man of Steel? Is there a Batman/Spider-Man comic book cross over in the works? Which Broadway records did Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark recently break? What does The Avengers mean to Bruce Banner himself, Mark Ruffalo? Read about all of this and much, much more in today's Superhero Bits.
The above image of Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins is by Nolan Fans user Constantine .
Mark Ruffalo spoke to The Wall Street Journal (via CBM) about what The Avengers really means to him:
You have all these disparate egos, superheroes in this and that, and they refuse to give up some of their positions in order to make a more perfect union and to join the team. That's really what the whole movie is about: subjugating your own best interest momentarily to further that of the whole.
Here's a better quality version of the Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance TV spot from the official YouTube.
On Location Vacations (via CBM) reports The Avengers might be heading back to the studio for reshoots. Nothing to be worried about.
The NY Acura Facebook (via CBM) has posted new photos of Tony Stark's Acura prototype from The Avengers on display...somewhere.
Jeremy Renner spoke to Get Hampshire (via CBM) about the differences between shooting Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol and The Avengers:
Mission was a massive movie then The Avengers came round, and that's a huge movie. There are all these superheroes in it, passing a baton between superheroes There's a lot of fighting! But that should be a big, fun movie. It's a whole other world. We're dealing with other worlds, and other things like Thor and all. Mission has got that more, I'm not going to say it's the most grounded movie, but it's got a sense of realism to it.
Superhero Hype posted some new photos from The Amazing Spider-Man. One we saw in Empire Magazine, and this one of Emma Stone is of a scene we've already seen.Cosmic Book News has posted a rumor that a major actor has been cast for a major cameo in Man of Steel. If it's true, and there's no indication that it is, it would be considered a major spoiler so visit the link at your own risk.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
This new Red Skull Hot Toys figure looks amazing. Thanks to Toys Revil. CBM also has a tease at an Iron Man Mark 2 toy coming soon.
I've been out of the loop and our original story might have been updated but, just in case it hasn't, Collider has updated their story and said there is no new audio mix on the IMAX prologue for The Dark Knight Rises.
The Marvel Cinematic FB (via CBM) posted this behind the scenes photo of Scarlett Johansson from Iron Man 2.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Bleeding Cool has updated a report that there will NOT be a Batman/Spider-Man crossover comic book.
MTV has posted a look at the February, found footage superhero film Chronicle.
This desk, by Tom Spina Designs, was made to celebrate The Avengers and has pieces from each of the superheroes. See more photos there or at CBM.
Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark set several Broadway records in recent weeks. Here are the details from Deadline:
SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark, Broadway's most popular new show, rang in the New Year as the highest grossing show on Broadway, shattering the record for the highest single-week gross of any show in Broadway history. The total gross for the record-breaking week ending Sunday, January 1 was $2,941,790.20, besting the previous record of $2,228,235 set by Wicked in 2011. Playing to 17,375 audience members (100.02% capacity of The Foxwoods Theatre), SPIDER-MAN also enjoyed the highest single-week attendance by any show in Broadway history (playing a standard 9-show holiday schedule).
Amazon (via GeekAlerts) has this affordable female Robin costume up for sale.
Zen Pinball will make a Hulk game later this year for their popular iPhone app. Thanks to MTV.
GeekAlerts has posted images of some cool DC themed Legos that are now available.Comic Book Movie has ranked the top ten comic book movie trailers of all time.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.
Torchwood and Doctor Who star John Barrowman sings the Spider-Man theme song via The Daily What.
This Batman Ceiling fan is out of sight. As in past tense. It was available years ago via this Etsy page. Thanks to Geeks are Sexy.
You can own a spot-on replica of the original TV series Batman Batmobile for just under $200,000.
I'm starving, got any Batman Lego Cake back there? Via KupKakeTree and That's Nerdalicious.
What Culture has picked out the five lamest moments so far in the New DC 52.Kotobukiya has repainted their Batman statue and it looks awesome.
Here are five story lines that What Culture thinks would be great for the upcoming Watchmen sequel.
Adam West stars in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. Thanks to SuperPunch.
The Geek Twins has come up with this handy infographic on all the actors who have played Batman. Head there to see it bigger.