Superhero Bits: The Dark Knight Rises, Man Of Steel, Hulk, The Avengers
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Want to read a detailed rundown of what went down on The Dark Knight Rises this weekend complete with between-shot entertainment and full spoilers? What's a major problem with The Avengers? When might we see a Guillermo Del Toro produced Hulk TV show? Does Denis Leary think he'll be back for The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Read about all of this and more in today's Superhero Bits.
The guys at Dorkly (via Geeks Are Sexy) have done this cartoon pointing out an inherent problem with The Avengers. That's the first panel above. Click the link to read the rest.
One of the other problems with The Avengers is when Samuel L. Jackson's script leaked out before shooting began. He spoke to the BBC (via Latino Review) about the issue:
I didn't leave it anywhere. Actually, when they sent it to me, they sent it to me online. My assistant went to print it out, and when he printed it out, he didn't realize the printer had a memory, so when he brought me my script, the script was still in the printer, so somebody somewhere discovered that this was 'The Avengers' script.
From Marvel to DC, here we go with a round up of what happened with The Dark Knight Rises this weekend.
On Friday, the Hollywood Reporter broke the news that Pittsburgh Steelers players like Ben Roethlisberger would be appearing in scenes from The Dark Knight Rises that would be shooting at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh. Photos then were released of how the crew changed the stadium, thanks to WPXI (via Movieweb)
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The Pittsburgh Post Gazette then released a video talking to some fans who were in the stadium. They refer to the scene as a "flashback" though and that doesn't seem to be accurate, as you'll read below.
Next, fans began to release a bunch of images from inside the stadium during filming. Here's one below, head to this link (via Reddit) for a whole bunch more.
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And between takes, the production rolled the Tumbler out onto the field to entertain the crowd. The Tumblers were there just for the fans and are not in this scene. Thanks to GeekWeek for this video.
But what exactly was filmed? Well, now we get into MAJOR SPOILER TERRITORY. If you don't want to be spoiled, jump to the bottom of the page. The rest of the page is Batman spoilers.
As per the above video, uploaded by YouTube user ChangeThaChannel, here's the idea of what happens at Heinz Field in The Dark Knight Rises as follows. Remember. SPOILERS. Here's the description of the video:
After Bane [Tom Hardy] blows up the football field when 86 of the Gotham Rogues [Hines Ward] runs to make a touchdown after the kick off [this is what we were told was going on during filming] he comes out to address and strike fear in Gotham. The raised part you see is whats suppose to be left of the football field. He comes out and pulls the microphone from the dead (?) ref [which is just a dummy] on the ground outside the tunnel where he comes out with his thugs and someone he has prisoner. He also drags out some big crazy device that's supposedly the means of our destruction. I'll annotate what he says because honestly [and you can hear me and my friend laughing about it] with the mask he had on, mixed with his accident, mixed with how he was doing the voice it sounded like an old man with a respirator on. Not sure if that has anything to do with Bane's medical background and drug experiments
Screenrant also does a good job of compiling all of the above The Dark Knight Rises information into one digestible bite.
And that isn't from the same scene, but WPXI (via Ain't It Cool) revealed this video of Bane fighting Batman in The Dark Knight Rises.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
Toycutter posted this cool image of a battle-damaged Weapon X Mighty Muggs by Sid.Jonathan Nolan, the co-writer of The Dark Knight, is currently working on the show Person of Interest and spoke to Collider how the scene at the end of The Dark Knight with all the surveillance connects to his show:
I've just been fascinated by it, since I was a kid. That was a small feature of The Dark Knight. It was part of a storyline that ran in the comic books, when they examined Batman and the lengths to which he would go, and there are some connections there. I've always been drawn to those stories and drawn to that aspect of Batman. I was a kid in England, in the 1970's, and cameras started going up everywhere. In fact, at that point, there were already a lot of cameras up in London. It was during the Troubles and the IRA attacks in and around the UK and Ireland, so the response was to put up cameras everywhere. And then, when I moved to the States, when I was 11 or 12 years old in Chicago, there weren't cameras everywhere, but 20 years later, they started popping up. After 9/11, you started seeing cameras everywhere. I've always been fascinated by the idea of a surveillance state. Who's watching? What are they doing with that information? I felt like it was a really rich story to tap. I have a lot of questions and ideas about it, that I think will give us some really fertile ground for storytelling.
Entertainment Weekly has posted a gallery of images from 10 Color-Blind Castings for Comic Book movies including Idris Elba in Thor. Check them all out at the link.
An On Location Vacation reader created this Google Map of all the filming locations on Man of Steel. Very cool if you're hoping to catch a glimpse of Superman in Illinois.
As evidenced by all the bits above, Pittsburgh is Batman crazy. Here's how one fan decided to celebrate. Thanks to Obvious Winner (via The Daily What).
Denis Leary spoke at the Television Critics Association press tour (via IGN) and hinted that he'd be back for Amazing Spider-Man sequels and spoke about his co-stars:
Andrew's just a terrific actor – I really loved working with him. I think he's great. Same thing with Emma. They're both actually more mature than I am and that says a lot right there. They're really incredibly talented and really professional. She's 22 years old. I don't want to tell you what I was doing when I was 22. I was very impressed by her.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.
The Posters and Prints blog has alerted us to some new Batman inspired prints by an artist called Meme Machine. If you'd like to buy one, head over to that link.
President of ABC Paul Lee revealed that Marvel-themed shows, AKA Jessica Jones and the Guillermo Del Toro produced Hulk, should both be ready by next pilot season. Read more about it over on Bleeding Cool.
USA Today (via CBM) spoke to Adam West about his career as Batman and what he thinks of the Christopher Nolan films.
According to an article on the Examiner, there will be a lot of bullets flying on the set of Man of Steel from August 22-28 in Plano, IL.
CoolToyReview has posted some beautiful images of a new Kotobukiya Magneto statue that'll be available in March.Salon has a great piece that talks about the infamous Green Lantern 2 quote and how Hollywood just doesn't understand what audiences want. We're suffering from superhero fatigue.Forever Geek has compiled a list of their 10 Awesome Superhero Weapons such as the Batarang. Did your favorite make the cut?