Early Synopsis Revealed For Will Ferrell's Untitled Spanish-Language Comedy
Last year saw Will Ferrell, Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna cast in Matt Piedmont's Spanish-language comedy that was rumored to be an over-the-top satire of the "overdramatic telenovella style." We knew little else about the film other than a provisional title: Casa de mi padre. That title may have been given the boot, as some new info puts the film in the test-screening process as 'Untitled Spanish Comedy.'
But we have a good deal of new info about the film, which will make it pretty easy to guess how it will play as a comedy. (I'm thinking telenovella + Anchorman + El Mariachi.) Check out the synopsis after the break.
Collider was sent a synopsis, which goes like this:
This movie is currently called UNTITLED SPANISH COMEDY and stars Will Ferrell, Gael Garcia Bernal (The Motorcycle Diaries), DIEGO LUNA (The Terminal) and GENESIS RODRIGUEZ (TV's Entourage & "Dona Barbara") Armando Alvarez (Will Ferrell) has lived and worked on his father's ranch in Mexico his entire life. As the ranch encounters financial difficulties, Armando's younger brother Raul (Diego Luna), shows up with his new fiance, Sonia (Genesis Rodriguez). It seems that Raul's success as an international businessman means the ranch's troubles are over as he pledges to settle all debts his father has incurred. But when Armando falls for Sonia, and Raul's business dealings turn out to be less than legit, all hell breaks loose as they find themselves in a war with Mexico's most feared drug lord, the mighty Onza (Gael Garcia Bernal)...
Gael Garcia Bernal as a violent drug lord? Love it.