VOTD: 'Wonka Legacy'

I've been linked to the film and trailer mash-up Wonka Legacy a couple times. Initially, because of a lingering case of mash-up fatigue, I passed on watching it. But when I finally gave in I found a well-constructed, clever and occasionally funny video. Check out what happens when Tron and Willy Wonka collide, after the break.

There's not a lot of room for commentary here — this is (mostly) footage from the Gene Wilder film version of Roald Dahl's classic story with audio laid in from the latest Tron Legacy trailer. Shots are smartly chosen to recast Willy Wonka as the elder Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) and the chocolate factory as Tron's game grid. When it comes time to show off Clu 2.0, the 'young' character played by Jeff Bridges in Tron Legacy, the editors behind this clip made the smartest choice they could have made. And if that footage doesn't cooperate as well, no matter – it's still a good gag.
